@Avalanche du Colorado

L’Avalanche du Colorado : l’émoji de merde du hockey professionnel

Lolcow (n) – Une personne ou un groupe de personnes se moque des actions qu’ils entreprennent, même s’ils n’essaient pas d’être drôles. Ils peuvent essayer de se prendre au sérieux, mais ils sont souvent « traites » pour rire, avec ou sans leur connaissance. L’un des prétendants présumés aux séries éliminatoires de la Conférence Ouest cette année, l’Avalanche n’a été rien de moins qu’un désastre sur la glace. Combiné avec quelques erreurs évitées de justesse et d’autres drames hors glace, cette équipe n’a pas pu échapper à l’appel du Siren au lâcher-prise. Bienvenue au sous-sol, Colorado.


  1. Why do I always see these in my recommended right after the team being trashed wins a championship?? Well seeing as how that’s becoming a trend can you trash the Carolina Panthers so they can win a super bowl??

  2. 2017: The worst season ever in Avalanche history.
    2021: Presidents Trophy winner.
    2022: Stanley Cup Champs! (The first SCF on ABC since 2004).

    Thanks Urinatingtree.

  3. Throw this into the now irrelevant videos made by Tree pile, everyone! TURN THE LIGHTS OFF, CARRY ME HOME!

  4. And just like that, Tree jinxes another team to go from bottom feeder to championship winning team.

  5. Honestly, it’s pretty humbling going back to this video. So many bad and disappointing years of Avalanche hockey just leading into what was the catastrophe of the 2017 season. Here we are 5 years later as Stanley Cup champions 🥲. Unreal job by Sakic and Bedsy.

  6. Well we can put this to rest,absolutely incredible season this year,destroyed the fucking lightning!

  7. I'm Starting to think some of these franchises watch tree's videos and it works as a motivation tool sort of speak. Now granted many Avs that just won the cup weren't in Colorado yet at the time of this video. But at least 4 of the Legacy of Failure videos now have been ended after production.

  8. This aged like milk. I hope Tree makes a video for every team in the NHL. Then within 32 years, every team has won at least once.

  9. The fact that I watched Stanley cup championship coach Jared bednar coach in person and I never even knew about it until today Is mind boggling

  10. after being dogshit, we went from 1st pick to 4th. Everyone thought the end of the av's was near, but with that pick, we got Cale Makar. The best defensemen in the last 30 years

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