@Panthers de la Floride

[Post Game Thread] Les Panthers de la Floride (3-2) battent les Rangers de New York (2-3), 3-2 lors du cinquième match pour prendre une avance de 3-2 dans la série en finale de la Conférence Est !



  1. MilesDavis_Stan

    Holy fuck was the ice bad.

    I can’t believe our ice, in 90°+ weather and crazy humidity, is better than the ice in the “Most Famous Arena in the World”.

    Also, pretty thin crowd at the end. What happened? I thought only we did that /s

  2. C_IsForCookie

    🥁-🥁-🥁🥁🥁 LETS GO PANTHERS!!!

  3. Number333

    Incredible nerves by the boys tonight. Let’s be honest, we were not able to totally dominate and overwhelm them in the shots department as much as we did at home the last 2 games. The 1st period was as even as its been all series.

    * 2nd period was a roller coaster of emotions. Let’s just call it what it was, we were a bit shook halfway through this game. To concede our 2nd shorthanded goal of the series after Tkachuk lost the puck and Kreider of all people gets the breakaway and scores his 1st goal of the series was soul-wrenching [knowing all the mouthguard chirp jokes coming.](https://np.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1d3gh4q/jameson_olive_tkachuk_said_he_was_able_to_get_his/)
    * But the game totally flipped in 2min. [Sexy ass pass by Bennett to Forsling](https://np.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1d4k2cq/bennet_sets_up_forsling_all_alone_with_shesterkin/) and he buries it past Igor. Can’t be understated how lucky we are to have Gus locked in long-term. Our star forwards have had trouble in golden spots to put anything past Igor and to see Goose did it… phenomenal.
    * In general, our powerplay had stepped up big time the last 2 games. Tonight? Shambolic. Aside from giving up the shortie, we were just atrocious setting up and couldn’t get any sustained possessions in their zone even with the man advantage. Rangers have been terrifying with just 4 men.
    * Thankfully, our PK has been equally awesome and then some. That tripping call mid-3rd period could have been the: « *oh shit, they finally scored on the PP, now we’re down 1-2 with half the period left to avoid going down 2-3* » and we avoided all of it.
    * Tarasenko hasn’t scored in a miniature eternity but that screening on Igor to set up Lundell’s under-the-armpit goal is about as good as a goal, even better.
    * Thank goodness for the Bennett empty netter because Laffy Taffy’s bullshit deflection goal would have been inevitable without the insurance
    * Bobrovsky was terrific. Made breakaway saves. Didn’t give up anything easy. We ALSO have an elite goalie.

    We’re 1 win away from heading back to the Stanley Cup… I’d **REALLY** love it if we could avoid the agony that is a Game 7 and avoid having to deal with these bastards winning some 60 shot vs 7 shot goal difference chicanery again. SEE Y’ALL SATURDAY!

  4. SubParandLovingit

    Please send the Rags packing on Saturday night…please 😩….sincerely, a Devils fan in shambles.

  5. Dig_bick_energy6969

    Dead serious question, is it normal for the ESPN broadcast to be so openly rooting for NY?

    New to Hockey, it just seemed so blatant that I had to ask

  6. hernameisbrennan

    As I’ve said before, I live with a Rangers fan….starting last game I snuck out in the dead of night and secretly took down the Rangers flag they have outside (and replaced it before morning). I was stressed as HELL because first intermission passed, second intermission passed, and the coast still wasn’t clear. But then, partway through the third, RIGHT as the Rangers went on power play, at last I was free to go stealth-mode (and holy fuck just listening to that kill through my airpods almost gave me a heart attack). Accomplished my mission, stashed the flag out of sight, sat back down….AND A MINUTE LATER LUNDELL FUCKING SCORED!!!!! PROUD TO DO MY PART AND RISK MY LIFE FOR Y’ALL. Now who’s directing the spy movie adaptation????

  7. Great game but my God can we stop giving up goals on the power play.

  8. No-Gazelle4640

    Canes fan here.  Rags fans are responsible for me embracing Sam Bennett and Tkachuk.

    Buy those damn tickets up, I dont want to hear the rags on tv for game 6!  Have to deal with that shit enough at our arena

    I did meet a panthers fan regular season in bathroom line at pnc arena.  We both agreed Rags fans are the worst.

    Give ’em Hell on Saturday!

  9. NickDerpkins

    I don’t care if we literally never win a game ever again starting next season, just win the cup baby please I’m tired and I’ve been a fan a long time I need this.

  10. sleeping_utensils

    when benny is healthy, that second line is a first line on the super majority of teams

  11. kwkouki

    Lundys goal was inevitable. You could feel it coming tonight. I’m so proud of this team.

  12. suzzerss

    I love how a panthers win absolutely sucks the air out of MSG

  13. farqypanthers

    Woooo!!! Go Cats Go !!!! Played hard don’t let off the gas . Ends in 6

  14. ImmenseAnxiety


  15. kipluvstechnology

    1 win away from getting into SCF 2 years in a row. As a fan of 30 years, just wow. LFG!

  16. TerryWinkle1

    What a game! Bob was on his fucking game. Benny was on his game. Forsling with the no looker. Cats had control of the game all night. They finally broke Igor. This was the first game that our shots were hitting the net. It didn’t take our boys doing gymnastics to get it in there. Close out at home Cats! Give the Home Arena a Series ender!

  17. KingOfTheWyld86


  18. TTKDR743

    Thank you Panthers for winning and thank you for not putting me through another overtime. Close it out Saturday!!

  19. Techiesarethebomb

    My favorite part on r/hockey is several of em saying that at least New York beat Florida in court…..They realize that Panthers fans are majority Broward/Palm Beach right?…..Right?

  20. xavier_laflamme70

    Does anyone else not know what to do with themselves after a win? I still have so much pent up anxiety. I’m hungry, thirsty, wired, have a stomach ache, all at the same time. I need to be put in a sensory deprivation tank lol

  21. SawgrassSteve

    Loved the way the Panthers played tonight, although I could do without giving up a shorthanded goal. It’s so much fun watching great forechecking, crisp passing, and for the most part, players knowing where to be on the ice and who to pass to. Barkov and Forsling continued to do the little things to help the Cats dominate.

    Once the game was tied, I felt like Florida was in control and that Bob would shut the door.

    The only thing that bugged me about the coverage was that ESPN kept showing a specific Ranger fan celebrating. Normally, crowd celebrations don’t bug me, but this guy was ticking me off.

  22. ChrisyBear

    I can’t believe we are 1 win away from being right back, but this time deeper, smarter, and just plain better. I said 2 years ago when Maurice was hired, we would win the cup in the 2nd year with him as coach.

    I can’t believe it may actually be a reality. I know I’m getting ahead of myself, but does anyone see this team losing 2 elimination games in a row? I don’t. We are going back idc if people quote me screen shot or call me a clown. I believe in this squad.

  23. Bright_Leopard_2238

    We took over again in the second period like all other games in this series and that’s all she wrote to.

    Rangers had no answer for the forecheck and cycling in the offensive zone.

    I think rags are cooked and we will close it at home on Saturday.

  24. FL_Sweetness

    Yes! So glad for this win and now looking forward to attending Saturday’s game even more! I really hope I get to see them advance! GO PANTHERS!

  25. IntrepidBandicoot8


  26. eadie30

    Been a weird series to watch. Crazy how those few mental mistakes have evened the playing field despite us looking better for 90% of the games

  27. So hyped for Saturday. We need to get the job done at Sunrise

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