@Stars de Dallas

La quête de l’immortalité : match 5 de la finale de la Conférence Ouest des séries éliminatoires des Stars de Dallas

Rien ne compte sauf ce moment. Cette opportunité. Jeu 5.


  1. This is perfect.. they just had a bad performance and are being written off by alot of people. Thats when they play best. 😉
    Lets go stars!!!

  2. It's going to hurt like hell falling from favorites in this series. Doubt for Dallas is creeping in slowly… you can feel it.

  3. DAMMIT, I'm tired of this crap. Stop jerking around with this 1- line team and finish them off!!! If the Dallas Stars believe they are destined for a Stanley Cup this year, it's time to start playing like it. Stars eliminated Vegas then Colorado, now they've lost two games to Edmonton? That's hilarious! The orders wouldn't even be here if they didn't play in a cream puff division! I'm serious, END THIS!

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