@Red Wings de Détroit

Revisiter les Red Wings de Détroit de 1998

Leurs statistiques n’étaient pas excellentes individuellement, mais personne ne pouvait les battre collectivement. C’était presque la dynastie des années 90. Soutenez The Hockey Guy via Patreon https://www.patreon.com/thehockeyguy Suivez-moi sur Twitter https://twitter.com/ShansBoomstick Aimez et suivez ma page sur Facebook https://www.facebook.com/youtubehockeyguy/ Contact moi par courrier postal à : The Hockey Guy PO Box 38 15038 Seven Oaks PO Abbotsford, BC V2S 8P1


  1. I love Tomas Holmström! He has the record for most won Stanley Cups by a swedish player along with Nicklas Lidström, Stefan Persson and Anders Kallur.

  2. The 98 team had something to play for though they were playing not for themselves that year but for there fallen comrades who's careers were cut short in that tragic accident the summer prior

  3. I think part of the reason Ozzie doesn't get the love he deserves is because he let in a couple goals from center I've unfortunately

  4. I think Yzerman is generational. Datsyuk and Zetterberg are Franchise. I believe Yzerman is the greatest Red Wing. His points per game is higher than Howe.

  5. The '98 team wasn't quite as good as the '97 team. I've always been an Osgood fan but he didn't come close to matching Vernon's performance from the previous year. Vernon had just one bad game in 97 (game 5 vs Avs) but Osgood actually cost the Wings a couple of games in 98 and gave up a handful of bad goals (I can't watch Game 5 vs. Dal). Their defense wasn't as good either obviously since they lost Vlad.

  6. I haven’t found a 2002 red wings video. If you haven’t done you you should. A lot of people think It should be discussed as the best ever assembled

  7. Man I don't know I feel like the 97 team was the best of all the empire era wings teams . ..but that's more than likely a product of the overwhelming joy of seeing that first cup in Stevie's hands and having the previous 8 years ( for me at that time ) of futility end lol . Man those teams were so damn amazing . The buz around the state that first summer though was just fantastic .

  8. Does Ozzy deserve HoF? Well, he was there all the years the wings ascended from shit show to dominance, won 3 cups, if he’s not there what gives.

  9. you're gonna go the whole video and not mention Vlady? That entire SEASON was ALL about winning one for #16. It's why his locker was un-touched. It's why Stevie handed him the Cup 1st. From the opening day of training camp, they were determined to erase the date of that crash from their minds by winning another.

  10. To me the 97 team was the better team and I watched about every game humanly possible both those years. Idk though I was a teen then and my hockey knowledge wasn't quite focused on the details of what makes a team good at that time. Loved them both but I never had any doubts about the 97 team something just told me they had that cup from day one of the playoffs. The 98 team I didn't feel that with until the finals . Dallas spooked me pretty bad that year .

  11. This was an excellent Red Wings team, though for Conn Smythe, I think Kolzig deserved it more than Yzerman. Without Yzerman, Detroit was still really good. Without Kolzig, the Caps lose to Boston in round 1.

    Btw, if you haven't done one, how about a video on the Stars of the late 90's? They were a really well put together team and it was a blast watching them, the Wings, and the Avs go at!!

  12. I respect Osgood, but he's not a hall of famer. When he wasn't on overloaded wings teams he did nothing-blues, isles.

  13. THANK YOU. Fuhr in and Osgood not considered is crazy. 400 wins and the only goalie I know of to win 2 Stanley Cups 10 years apart should be in.

  14. They may not have won 3 Cups in a row, but making the Final 3 times in 4 years is something special. Edmonton did it a couple times, then Detroit, then New Jersey 2000, 2001 and 2003, and nobody since

  15. You mentioned Fedorov's low numbers during the regular season, but didn't mention it was because he wasn't playing. He was gone for half the season because of contract negotiations after Carolina made an offer. Once he returned he had finished the season really well and had a great playoff performance.

  16. a couple of thoughts – first, you mentioned that they learned from their loss against the Devils (who utilized the trap) and that it's a simple concept that "if they don't shoot on us, they can't score on us" but I think this needs a little more elaboration. The Wings during this era, were more of a puck-possession team than any other before, during, or since. It was obscene how they controlled the puck for 40 minutes every game while their opposition had possession for 8 minutes (with the remainder being loose puck.) Second, I'm a huge Osgood fan and think he does deserve to be in the hall, but your comparison to Fuhr is flawed- because Osgood played during the dead-puck era while Fuhr played during a very "live-puck era" plus Osgood backed the epitomy of all puck-posession teams. And as for comparing the '97 Wings vs. the '98 Wings, the one thing that always sticks out to me was that they picked up Mironov… another "…ov" which seemed to replace the fallen "…ov." Konstantinov. And there is no replacement for Konstantinov.

  17. Oh there’s no question in my mind that Homer would be worth 5 a year . That man took insane abuse doing his job and at times couldn’t actually get a goal to count on the scoresheet lol . A true warrior and total pain in the ass to play against I’m sure .

  18. I heard you say on another video that Mike Vernon should be in the Hall of Fame.

    Chris Osgood's numbers are BETTER than Mike Vernon's. And Osgood has just as many Cups as a starter as Vernon.

    Vernon. 385 wins, 2.98 GAA, .890 SV pct. 783 games played
    Osgood 401 wins, 2.49 GAA, .905 Sv Pct. 744 games played.

    Osgood is 13th all time in career wins.

    If Vernon should be in…..Osgood is a shoo in.

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