@Canucks de Vancouver

Frank Seravalli sur son problème avec Vancouver, la blessure de Pettersson et les projets d’agence libre des Canucks

Frank Seravalli du Daily Faceoff fait sa comparution hebdomadaire pour discuter de ses propres commentaires sur le marché de Vancouver, mais aussi des commentaires d’Elias Pettersson d’après-saison et de la façon dont cela peut ou non affecter l’évaluation du joueur par l’organisation. Frank se penche également sur le coût d’acquisition de Necas et donne quelques estimations éclairées sur le plafond salarial des agents libres des Canucks. Présenté par GRETA BAR YVR (http://lnk.to/GRETAYVR) https://twitter.com/sekeresandprice https://www.facebook.com/SekeresandPrice https://www.tiktok.com/@sekeresandprice https : //www.youtube.com/sekeresprice https://www.instagram.com/sekeresandprice 📧 live@sekeresandprice.com 📲 778-402-9680 https://www.sekeresandprice.com/ https://www.rinkwidevancouver. com #Canucks #VancouverCanucks #NHL #Hockey


  1. I'd be on the phone with Mike Grier asking if Petey and Hronek are enough for there 1st pick and some lesser pieces.

  2. Frank is just l dont understand a say in hockey nice gig but he oozing oil so good bye its like listening too Freeland

  3. Frank is just trolling Canucks fans at this point. Hey, fair play. People watch his interviews, even if it’s hate watching. I don’t have to watch someone I agree with on everything to get something out of their interview. I think it’s hilarious. I’m a Canucks fan, but not a blind fan. Matt’s introduction cracked me up. They’re just leaning into it. If fans want to take the words of commentators, writers and journalists personally, that’s on them. “😢 wahh they don’t like us!” Okay then. I don’t need people to hold my hand and tell me everything will be all right. These all must be kids, because I grew up with CBC and TSN regularly dumping on or ignoring Vancouver. CBC used to make us watch the end of Leaf games in the 90s so that we’d miss the first 5-10 minutes of a Canucks game. That doesn’t happen anymore, and these kiddos still aren’t happy. Well, next time Frank is on, he can make us all a cup of hot cocoa and read us a bedtime story. Story Time With Frank Seravalli. There’s a good name for his segments. It can open with music from Mr Roger’s Neighourhood. As a Canucks fan, sometimes other fans embarrass me. We can’t take criticism. And we have no Cups.

  4. Unfortunate this guy still gets any air time. "Soft", "D-bag"…this guy is the king of projection

  5. Why do you keep having this clown on? All he does is lobby for players agents and spit absolute BS and then flip flop flip flop. Please stop for all our sakes

  6. I live in Van, and Seravalli is right — it's full of douchebags. There's a mass exodus of decent people out of this degenerate place.

  7. Came to the comments to complain about this clown and am thankful to see that there are tons of people that feel the same as me

  8. The reason Pettersson gets more of a pass is because we all need to believe he was hurt for him to be as terrible as he was in the second half of the season and playoffs. Tocchet and Allvin didn't think the injury was that bad.

  9. Canucks need a big physical centre in all the years of this franchise the Canucks have never had one.

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