@Stars de Dallas

Les fans des Oilers adorent que ce soit lui

Les points forts du match 5 des Oilers d’Edmonton contre les Stars de Dallas de la LNH impliqueraient fortement Connor Mcdavid Leon Draisaitl et Zach Hyman Evan Bouchard, mais ils se concentrent sur les buts de Ryan Nugent Hopkins qui ont propulsé cette série Oilers vs Stars dans la direction d’Edmonton maintenant. Faits saillants des séries éliminatoires de la LNH 2024 aujourd’hui, le but de Ryan Nugent-Hopkins GM5 rd3 des Oilers d’Edmonton met en évidence après le match, les tons de l’équipe semblaient assez différents et le prochain sera un incontournable absolu. LNH aujourd’hui #nhl #faits saillants #nhlnews


  1. Nuge has always been my guy, no if ands or buts. I love love love mcdavid and drai but nuge is 10 times my guy over them, had a jersey since he first got drafted, never even got a hall jersey, or an eberle one even tho I liked him too

  2. Jagr was my guy. I loved Jagr so much as a kid in the 1990's when I was like 12 I made my bedroom into a card store and named it "Jagr's Sportscards".

  3. For me, the two players that always resonated when growing up were Pavel Bure and Ray Borque. Bure was so electric, a must watch player, and Borque seemed like the perfect dman

  4. My best playoff player ever is joe sakic, he scored a lot of o.t. goal in playoff

  5. Was a canucks fan growing up back with the sedins and burrows but my go to player was Mats Sundin. He was the only reason i would watch maple leafs games back then.

  6. Channeling Oilers fans :The Stars beat themselves in that last game. They beat themselves.

  7. Oilers fan for 14 years. Nuge has always worked hard on the ice. He doesnt usually take bad penalties, especially when hes frustrated on ice. Cough hall cough.

  8. I nearly walked right into RNH on 107th in front of this fancy steakhouse. I had just gotten off work tying rebar at the LRT expansion (Pre New Arena). I was sipping my coffee when I looked up and saw this towering looking dude with a bit of surprise in his eyes. I probably looked like a homeless person. I instantly recognized the young man as the EDM Oilers' 1st RD pick! But I kept it cool and said "Heyy Nuge" giving him the head nod expressing "Not a crazy person, just getting off work and I look like crap person". Ryan Jones was standing right beside him too. It was pretty awesome. Should have been there.

  9. Pavel datsyuk was my guy growing up so lucky to have that guy in the wings. Super underrated player was well, hey siri who the magic man 😂

  10. There's a reason why my Oilers jersey is his, over anyone else's! I know his last name is pronounced 'new-g' but I always call him My Nugget, because he's a precious Nugget and I'm so happy this season and these playoffs are showing him shining bright!

  11. I grew up in the Ryan Smyth era so he was my favourite oiler. I have a soft spot for goalies though so Patrick Roy was my guy.

  12. Nuge is probably as big as mcdavid and drai in Edmonton. He’s just a beloved player. He’s already an oilers legend.

  13. There are few real Oilers fans left… many turned on the team at the beginning of the year. Claiming to be fans again now is just jumping on the bandwagon.

  14. one of my fav memories of the nuge is in i think his first season the canucks beat the oil4-3 something like that, and nuge got all the 3 oiler goals I think it was Bieksa who said "So I guess the Canucks beat Nugent-Hopkins 4-3."

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