@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Guentzel devrait tester l’agence libre

Guentzel devrait tester l’agence libre – La Quatrième Période

Confirmés par différentes sources ce week-end, les Hurricanes ont eu des discussions avec Guentzel et son camp, dirigé par l’agent Ben Hankinson, et le premier mot est qu’il « ira probablement au 1er juillet », selon une source bien placée et au courant des négociations. .

Soupir… J’espère que nous le signerons toujours.

Edit : Je comprends que cela allait très probablement se produire, mais je ne dirais pas que j’aime nos chances lorsque de gros agents libres arrivent sur le marché. Surtout dans une intersaison à court de casquettes



  1. Not surprising. It’s fair for him to see what the open market is like. He knows that staying in CAR means less money but more stability. I don’t expect any UFA signings before the deadline this year. They all know there isn’t much cap space to go around and they need to see what’s available elsewhere. They know they have to take a discount to stay, question is how much.

  2. v4vendetta77

    Any agent that doesn’t say they’ll probably go to free agency is a bad agent. The agent’s job is to maximize the contract and you do that by creating a sense of urgency to get things done. It’s entirely possible he goes to free agency but it’s also possible the agent is using the press for negotiating.

  3. oooriole09

    Why would he not test the open market? This is his time to get *the* deal as a proven 29 year old.

    Doesn’t mean the Canes are out, just that he’s wanting to find his true value and negotiate on that.

  4. Usually hesitant to dish out long-term contracts to guys about to be in their 30s. After watching him with Aho, I’m not worried about it with him if he decides to sign with Canes.

  5. gooch_norris_

    I mean he’d be a fool not to even listen to offers

  6. macaroni_3000

    I don’t really want him all that much. I know he can score but I don’t really see the creativity. I’d rather take that 8 million and retain the core, even if we have to bite the bullet and just be an average playoff team for a couple years and wait for a new window to open in say 2026-2027.

    TL;DR, don’t rip up the core going after UFAs even if they’re your own UFA’s. Y’know?

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