@Panthers de la Floride

Leur genre de hockey..

OK les gars, il est temps de jeter un œil au match d’hier soir entre les Panthers de la Floride et les Rangers de New York. Les Panthers ont remporté ce match par un score final de 2-1, cette victoire s’est consolidée dans la finale de la Coupe Stanley pour un 2ème année consécutive. Les Panthers de Floride remporteront-ils la Coupe ? Je suppose que nous devrons attendre et voir… Mais une chose est sûre, avec des gars comme Matthew Tkachuk et Sam Bennett. Ils sont FAITS pour ce genre de hockey. Les articles qui étaient dans la vidéo étaient des captures d’écran de Habsfanatics. com, je vous recommande fortement de consulter ce site pour d’autres nouvelles des Habs, dites-moi ce que vous pensez de celui-ci dans la section commentaires ! Si vous êtes un fan du Tricolore, ou simplement du hockey en général, pensez à vous abonner à ma chaîne, car je télécharge une tonne de contenu sur le hockey, et j’apprécierais vraiment d’être plus nombreux parmi vous, les sauterelles, à me suivre ! Pour soutenir ma chaîne, pensez à appuyer sur le bouton Rejoindre et devenez membre dès aujourd’hui. Accédez à des vidéos exclusives réservées aux membres, ainsi qu’aux publications de la communauté ! Si vous êtes récemment devenu un nouveau membre, n’oubliez pas de consulter les « 15 membres Only Video Playlist », lié ici.. : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLq… Email : Hockeyjunkieemail@gmail.com Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/HockeyJunkie Discord Server : https://discord.gg/3jazrNmefY Twitter : https://twitter.com/HockeyJunkieYT Merch : https://streamlabs.com/hockeyjunkie/m… Et bien sûr, merci d’avoir regardé !


  1. Of all 4 teams in these semifinals, New York had the youngest least experienced overall defense. Oilers & Stars have some pretty seriously seasoned beasts with a bit more know-how to resist that Panthers pounding. Should be a very interesting match-up.

  2. I’ve been a fan since the beginning of the franchise and endured some really terrible seasons. This is our time now. Let’s go Cats!!!

  3. Panthers fan here. They play that old style of physical hockey. Their forecheck leads to open ice which is exactly what it takes in a playoff series. Love this team. Bennet and Tkachuk have landed in my top 5 players. Forsling plays actual defense and found as offensive side to his game as of late. Ekblad is the only weak link if you search for any flaws. Cats have arguably the best 4th line in the NHL as well.

  4. Bennett is a freaking monster. And oh boy Barkov, as a fellow Finn I would really love to see first Finnish captain to ever hoist the cup.

  5. I was concerned in late February and early March but that starting melting away in April.

  6. they should send laviolette a thank you card for dressing matt rempe in 4 of the 6 games. they didnt have anyone better than matt friggin rempe to put in the line up?

  7. They are like a throwback team. So tough and so skilled. Florida can beat teams in so many ways and that's why they're so dangerous.

  8. As a long-time Capitals Fan, really love how Florida plays. Nice to see Rangers stuck on 1 SC since Pearl Harbor 😂

  9. The paper the boy is showing is from 30 years ago? Did anyone of today’s team say so?

  10. Well put my son! Go Panthers. As a long sufferin’ Canucklehead I can’t help but feel some kinship with the Panther fans. 3 times to the final and losing 2 of em in 7 hurts… oh boy it hurts..haha. I would save the Panthers fans the same heartbreak thank you very much.

  11. Cousins, Gadovich and Lomberg could be a line on any other team but the depth here has kept them in and out of the lineup. Biggest difference from last year which I thought relied too much on Chucky and Bob to steal them games. Bennett has been great since his first game with the Panthers. Lundell stepping up when he needs to be. Forsling, best d man on the Cats roster is also a driving engine for them. Will be a fun and entertaining finals no matter who they play

  12. Funny they loose with that Messier Calling the win Documentary coming out 😅

  13. As someone who has covered the team for 8 seasons and streamed every game for the past two, as nice as it is to make the SCF two years in a row, it is time to finish.

  14. I wanted Panthers vs Stars… was my dream matchup for Stanley Cup as a kid… but honestly they both had a crap regular Season Record against the Panthers….

  15. Bennett vs McDavid.

    If these two guys elevate their game any higher, I think the Universe might just collapse.

    This is gonna be tight!

  16. As a Panthetrs fan. I feel especially good for guys like Okposo, and OEL, and homegrown returning veteran Kulikov. These guys have spent years in this league, and not even have gotten to the finals.

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