@Canucks de Vancouver

Pour les personnes qui disent que le nom Hughes est décentré par rapport aux chiffres au dos, je publierai ces photos. J’ai fait de mon mieux pour tracer une ligne droite et mesurer, c’est à vous de décider. Photos prises du point le plus large de chaque lettre à chaque chiffre.

Pour les personnes qui disent que le nom Hughes est décentré par rapport aux numéros au dos, je publierai ces photos. J’ai fait de mon mieux pour tracer une ligne droite et mesurer, c’est à vous de décider. Photos prises du point le plus large de chaque lettre à chaque chiffre.



  1. MaximumDevelopment77

    But is the ruler straight?

  2. Rickcinyyc

    4 is a tough number to visualize as being centred when it’s the first number. 34 would be much easier. It’s the upper slope of the 4 that your eyes go to against the namebar, not the bottom of the slope.

  3. OlderGuysTMO2

    You should see my knockoff, the G is over the 4 !

  4. intelligentx5

    It is center to the left most portion of the 4 and the right most portion of the 3. I do some freelance graphic design and the eye fuckery then can happen with centering is real.

  5. CurrentBusy5705

    If you look at the shorter borders of the name patch and extend them down, I believe they’ll exactly pass the leftmost point of the 4 and the rightmost point of the 3. Although the leftmost part of 4 is short, it’s still a straight line that you can use judge the alignment

  6. elbombi53

    I’m not sure who is saying the name is off centre but everything is fine. Name and numbers both centred properly on the collar/back of jersey. It’s just a bit of a mind fuck because of the angled part of the « 4 ».

    If you aligned the name only with the top of the numbers then everything would look goofy because either the name or the numbers wouldn’t be centred on the back of the jersey/with the collar.

  7. Night_Hawk-2023

    To me the center line of the 43 and the center line of the G should align. That’s my 2 cents. 👍

  8. HockeySweata

    I didn’t comment but I still don’t like Fanatics. The void is full of my opinions.

  9. I would think you could also tell by whether the GH are centred to the collar, but it looks like it’s slightly to the right.

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