@Maple Leafs de Toronto

[32ThoughtsPod] Marner « mises à jour »


  • Ne soyez pas surpris si cela se joue la saison prochaine

  • Conversation délicate entre le joueur et l’équipe car les deux parties veulent "gagner"

  • Les Leafs sont déterminés soit à faire un bon échange, soit à faire quelque chose de grand, sachant qu’ils ne peuvent pas se permettre un swing et un échec.

  • Le joueur, et plus important encore, les gens autour du joueur sont déterminés à se faire bien paraître, donc ils n’accepteront rien qui les mettrait sous un mauvais jour.

  • Vraie inquiétude quant à la réaction des fans de Toronto face à Marner s’il commence la saison prochaine sans signature. Marner doit comprendre que la base de fans ne réagira pas bien, et il doit y faire face. Peut-il le gérer ?

  • Les gens au sein de l’organisation voient cela comme Kadri 2.0

  • Si les exigences du contrat des deux côtés sont folles, cela mènera de toute façon à un éventuel divorce.

  • "Certains pensent que c’est à 100% qu’il sera échangé, dimanche 2 juin, je ne sais pas si j’en suis si sûr" -Friedman

  • L’un des plus grands défis réside dans les sentiments de tout le monde. Cela nécessitera beaucoup de diplomatie pour que beaucoup de gens le fassent correctement.

  • Marek le compare au Muskoka 5, vous ne voulez pas que le joueur le traverse, et vous ne voulez pas que l’équipe le traverse. Cela a le potentiel d’être un pétard

  • Chaque fois qu’il y a un rapport qui présente un côté sous un mauvais jour, ou dit que cette personne doit faire cela, les gens se lèvent.



  1. HappyFlowerSmileBaby

    Fuck Paul Marner and Mitch’s « team ». 

    Fuck them in their stupid asses.

  2. reggierock2010

    Done with the player tbh. Could care less what the return is.

  3. sejlavocado

    I don’t even care what the return is anymore just get it done at this point

  4. Significant_News_638

    It makes sense. The fans emotional response is we have to trade him, but you need the Leafs management team to be calm and calculated here. Regardless of what you think of Mitch, he’s a 90+ point winger who’s finished top 3 in Selke voting, strong on both special teams, and been a first-team NHLer twice. He is an asset that, if you trade him, you have to recoup value now and for the future. Matthews and Nylander are about to enter the primes of their careers, the trade needs a return that aligns with that and makes the team better over the next 2-5 years.

    You can afford to « lose » the trade by a slight margin because of the cap room it could create and how that can be used (and this ignores the fact that Tre has a pretty mediocre record in UFA going back to his Calgary days), but you cannot just trade him for the sake of trading him. Add in that he has 1 year left on his deal, and he has a NMC clause, and you have a situation that isn’t easy to navigate. Should be no surprise that this will take some time, and I honestly think it is better than 50% chance he is a Leaf come the start of training camp. Not saying that I think that’s the right call – just the reality of the situation.

  5. TittyCobra

    Fuck Rocket Security, Darren Ferris and Paul Marner.

  6. YarnhamSunrise

    People aren’t gonna like it but this makes total sense.

    Leafs aren’t just gonna trade Mitch for peanuts because fans online are mad at him. Gonna be a long summer. And I’d bet money Mitch is a Leaf opening night.

  7. LeafsChick

    * ***The player, and more importantly the people around the player are determined to make themselves look good so they’re not going to agree to anything that puts them in a bad light***

    What does this mean? His dad? His agent? Someone else?

  8. torontoker13

    There’s nothing Mitch or his dad can do to not look bad. He demands top tier pay while disappointing every year.
    He could have been a legend to young kids in Toronto instead he’s going to be remembered as the guy that couldn’t let his ego take a back seat

  9. MatthewsSnipes

    Here’s what’s going to happen:
    – they won’t find a good trade this offseason and will go into the year with Marner
    – the team will play great in front of Berube
    – Marner will pace for 120 points and the fans will start to reconsider.
    – the price will become $13.5M

  10. McGrevin

    >Delicate conversation between player and team because both sides want to « win »

    By win do they mean win the contract negotiation? Lmao he really wants to double down on pissing off fans by maximizing his salary doesn’t he

  11. trillestBill

    >The player, and more importantly the people around the player are determined to make themselves look good so they’re not going to agree to anything that puts them in a bad light.

    Wtf does this mean? Look good in what way? Look good to GMs for his next contract so he can maximize his earnings again or Look good to the fans?

    Based on his history, I’d assume its the former.
    If it’s the latter, it’s pretty obvious what you have to do. It starts by not bleeding the team dry of every cent you can milk them for

  12. kingex11

    Leafs management need to recognize there’s no winning a Marner trade. Just suck it up, hold your nose, and pull the trigger on whatever deal that’s out there. This guy can’t be brought back opening night. The whole season will start on the wrong foot.

  13. Mango2149

    Marner will ask for an absurd raise and fuck this team by either walking for nothing or making us sign another huge overpay.

  14. jimbeamblack8586

    “The Leafs are determined to either make a good trade, or with the cap room created, do something big”

    That’s all I needed to hear, thanks Elliot.

  15. Similar-Jellyfish499

    « One of the biggest challenges is the feelings of everyone around. This will take a lot of diplomacy for a lot of people to do properly »

    Jesus fucking Christ, GROW UP. You’re professionals getting paid obscene amounts of money, and you’re whining about fucking optics. Absolutley pathetic attitude from « both sides ».

  16. reevoknows

    I’m so sick of this. Just move him, fuck everyone’s feelings this is fucking professional sports.

  17. yessschef

    It’s funny talking about losing on a trade to open up cap space. Considering the assets toronto have lost because of the cap position they’re in, it seems like a win win. Kadri went on to win a cup, Hyman is 4 games away. Both players could have been preserved without our cap predicament.

  18. TorontoIndieFan

    It’s crazy how often Marner’s feelings, and specifically Marner’s feelings about how he is perceived are brought up as something to consider when it comes to his management. No other successful player in the league is as effected by their feelings, it’s unbelievable.

  19. LtColumbo93

    Fans definitely make this situation seem easier than it is. It’s not so easy to just decide you’re going to trade him then do it.  

    Even getting past all the hurdles of the NTC etc. if a trade does happen there is an incredible amount of pressure on Treliving to knock it out of the park. 

    The Leafs have a recent history of parting ways with core pieces only to watch them reach new heights of success while the Leafs stay exactly where they are. Could you imagine if that happens with Mitch Marner of all players? Idk how how the franchise recovers from that. 

  20. Sarge1387

    …Kadri was run out of town by the media for suspensions at key times…which was a direct result of officials giving way too much grace one way and losing control of the series.

    Marner can’t handle how the fans react…he’s proven that time and again when he seems more concerned about his perception than his play. It looked during the blowup that two of his teammates have seemingly noticed it too, and called him on it…which to no surprise he didn’t react well to.

  21. hecimov

    Friedman is the king is saying a whole lot that means absolutely nothing.

  22. Spacepickle89

    Can we just have a moratorium for Marner talks till there’s actually something to talk about. It’s so annoying.

    can he handle Toronto fans next season if he’s with the team, unsigned. No, no he cannot handle that pressure. This fanbase and the media will eat him alive

  23. 91Caleb

    Nothing about this is Kadri 2.0 it’s almost opposite in every aspect except they both played in London

  24. Status-Ad4370

    The Kadri comparison isn’t that great. Remember he got suspended his first playoff run with the Avs doing something stupid again. He cost his team three years in a row by taking himself out of a series. My biggest gripe was that Tyson Barrie failed to do anything in TO.

    Also who cares if Marner goes to a quieter market and wins a Cup? History has shown he cant handle the market of Toronto. So he isn’t doing that here. You don’t have the right people in charge if you’re worried about the outside optics, instead trying to make your team better.

  25. tenny80

    I doubt he gets traded. He will sign an, extension

  26. anthonyd3ca

    Well it’s June 3rd and he hasn’t been traded so whoever thought he was “100% being traded by June 2nd” are goofs.

  27. WillSmiff

    Him and his camp are a cancer. I’m not even saying he’s a bad dude, I don’t think he’s a bad dude at all. They operate very selfishly and that manifests itself negatively for the team in so many ways.

    We are stuck with the Marner curse for now I guess.

  28. JoeRoganHair

    Whoever is running Marner camp is such a dork.

  29. Theclownshowisuponus

    If no trade can be made, just let him walk next summer. The leafs can take the cap space created and sign a player(s) or trade for a player(s) next summer. Cap space is a very valuable commodity to have as well. Just DO NOT sign him.

  30. SNG_Blitzy

    Sources say that marner will either be traded this summer, or the leafs will hang on to him. Both seem possible. Stay posted

  31. leafsbroncos18

    “…more importantly the people around the player are determined to make themselves look good…”

    Yep that sounds about right

  32. world_citizen7

    What would happen in the following scenario:

    Leafs say we wont re-sign you. Mitch still declines to waive his NMC and plays out the season. He has an outstanding season (as expected) and surprisingly the Leafs have a good playoff run with Mitch being a good contributor. What happens then??

  33. world_citizen7

    There is a big problem with him not being traded during the off-season: they will not able to utilize that cap space on good UFAs (ie: Stamkos, Montour, Pesche, etc). If they trade Marner mid season, for a decent player and some prospects, what good is the additional cap space if you cannot really use it due to limited availability of players.

  34. Small-Wolverine-7166

    In 2018-19, Paul Marner and Darren Ferris single-handedly took down the Leafs best chance at a Cup in close to 30 years.

  35. hindey19

    > Marek compares it to the Muskoka 5

    What is the Muskoka 5?

  36. TopShelfWrister

    MLSE is worth 8 billion US dollars.

    The Maple Leafs rack in a whopling 281 million USD annual revenue (gross).

    Marner makes 10.9 million$. That’s about 13% of the salary cap.

    From a hockey point of view (our point of view as fans) there’s an argument that Marner needs to step up to the valuation he is giving himself. But if I’m Marner, I’m not ignoring the business valuation that I offer. Marner is a star player and main money-maker for an employer who gives him 0.1% of their total revenue.

    We’re engaging in the annual tradition of hating a player who is asking for maybe 0.02% more of the employers total revenue while directly producing probably 20x in sales.

    I get it, poor millionnaire boo-hoo and oh no, how is he going to feed his family. Sure. 100% valid sarcastic criticism. But some people are going so far as to attack the guy on social media, call out his parents, straight up insult the guy meanwhile we’re buying the jerseys and watching the games. Barely a blink at MLSE. I know I’d probably not give a « hometown » discount to my employer if he wasn’t going to give it forward.

    Ok, I’m done my over simplified rant. Bring on the hate.

  37. Daimyon

    I’m just going to wait for Dregers next hit piece on how many millions Marner Better be offered.

  38. RattledRed

    I still think the smart move is to wait it out the JT contract and extend marner for a deal around what he makes now…

    It’s not a good idea to trade him for pennies when the caps pace we need is JTs.

    Just my opinion, but I think this will turn out to be a bad move…

  39. Golden_Hour1

    So it’s basically confirmed hes gone

  40. Mean_Joe_Greene

    “We’re going to make big changes” proceeds to run it back.

  41. He’s the latest whipping boy. Who will it be next year ? Paging Morgan…

  42. HemiKooks

    Yea, I’m sick of this fucking child. Get off my team.

  43. Intelligent_Chair901

    This dragging into the season without an extension or a trade would be a complete disaster. As much as I’m against an extension if the number is right I can live with it for a year until Tavares is off the books. But it’s either one or the other this can’t drag out…

  44. michiganbhunter

    I don’t think fans will be concerned at all if he’s not signed at the start of the year.

  45. LeafsForever26

    As much as getting a package of Scissons, Evangelista, and a First from Nashville (For example) would be awesome I’d just let Mitch walk. Let him be perceived like a God somewhere else where his intangibles as a 100 point winger are so vital that he gets to walk without a renegotiation.

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