@Sharks de San José

Kevin Bieksa, vainqueur du match 2OT, vainqueur de la série (CBC) 24/05/11

Un but qu’il faut voir pour le croire, personne à part Kevin Bieksa ne savait où se trouvait la rondelle alors qu’il la décochait devant Antti Niemi pour envoyer les Canucks en finale.


  1. I remember being at this game. The only playoff game I ever was able to go to. Will never forget it.

  2. Ah Yes, the Stantion Goal, in typical fashion, the puck went in like a Wobbly Pop…..it was a wobbly Puck, when Bieska got it, not good wood on it, but it is in the back of net and part of Canucks Folklore…….Great Stuff!!

  3. He got everything on that shot too. I believe it finally hit the back of the net 7 minutes after the initial shot.

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