@Oilers d'Edmonton

POST BRUT | Kris Knoblauch 06/02/24

Kris parle après que les Oilers se soient qualifiés pour la finale de la Coupe Stanley grâce à une victoire dans le sixième match contre Dallas.


  1. Go give Coach Coffey a big bearhug…..he deserves it. This is a miracle run by 2 raw Green Rookie Coaches. Make us believe. Statistics say you 2 cannot finish this job off. Prove the numbers wrong guys.

  2. Edmonton found a way to win with specialty teams and excellent goaltending! They need to play stronger each game offensively against the Panthers, if they wish to win the Stanley Cup

  3. Dis man came and single handily turned da whole culture around elevated da games of Hyman Bouchard Nuge and got Skinner playing like a mad man let’s go Oilers beat those Cats

  4. Habs fan here….I don't understand fans from other Canadian teams who don't support the Oilers, but that's their prerogative. I think it's great what the Oilers are doing, the level of play they've reached as a team and hope they bring Lord Stanley back to Canada. Go Oilers Go!

  5. Coach K is now a legend and we need a movie about him. Even if they lose now, they have won something huge already!!!!!!!

  6. Great coach, along with Paul Coffey. And good on him for mentioning his wife and the sacrifices she's made for him – she truly loves him.

  7. Wonderful two games from Skinner. He played the last two games the way he has to play every game. And it's not about wins and the number of missed or deflected shots, no. The important thing is that for the first time all season he was fast, positioned well in goal, watched the puck and was not passive. There was confidence and motivation in his game, something that had never been there before. This is exactly how a goalkeeper's game should be, and that's why it brought results. It didn't matter how much he missed or didn't miss, it was important that he was included in the game, and wanted a battle, and was mentally ready for it. This is exactly what everyone who wrote criticism expected from him in every game. It is worthy that he managed to pull himself together and reach this new level for himself, at which I hope he will gain a foothold. Coach, you are the best thing that could happen to the team, your work is great, congratulations on reaching the Cup final! I am writing to you from Russia, we have a lot of Oilers fans, people stay up until morning (because of the time difference) to watch the matches. You and the guys are doing great! P.S Please, make Hyman play a quick pass to his partners, he again ruined a bunch of situations in attack, in 1 period in 1 removal of Dallas, Hopkins stood and was ready to silk the vantimer, but Hyman again did not pass. He has to play three times as much in the pass, and in the fast pass, and look at the partners.

  8. NHL is rigged 100% McDavids goal in game 6 he stick handles around and in between 3 stars and no one takes the body . What a friggin joke the NHL is . They have joined the fake media outlets !!!

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