@Kraken de Seattle

Disponibilité du #NHLDraft 2022 : Shane Wright – 4e au classement général – Seattle Kraken

L’attaquant des Frontenacs de Kingston Shane Wright a rencontré les médias après avoir été sélectionné quatrième au total par le Kraken de Seattle lors du repêchage 2022 de la LNH. Regardez l’OHL Hockey en direct sur n’importe quel appareil : https://watch.chl.ca/ohl Dernières nouvelles, scores, statistiques et faits saillants : https://ontariohockeyleague.com Suivez l’OHL sur les réseaux sociaux ! Twitter : https://twitter.com/OHLHockey Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/OHLHockey/ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/ohlofficial/ #OHL #OntarioHockeyLeague #JuniorHockey #OHLHockey #NHLDraft


  1. Shane is very well spoken for an 18 year old. I don't get "dumb jock" impressions that I often get from his older peers.

  2. To be honest, while Shane doesn't realize it yet, he's probably going to be happier in Seattle than he would have been in Montreal. He's going to get top-6 minutes right away, and he's not going to have the toxic Montreal media breathing down his neck that sent Price to drugs and ruined the careers of multiple 1st round picks and over-hyped trades like Drouin for over a decade.

  3. He will be happier in Seattle. Who needs the pressure of mtl. I hope he does really well and proves the other teams wrong.

  4. he doesnt seem happy for not going first. despite what he says. he seems upset. body language

  5. Their best hope is to get lucky and attain Bedard and imo should have dealt their #4 pick for a first round pick next year.

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