@Flyers de Philadelphie

Flyers TV Original : « À l’extérieur »

Découvrez les coulisses de l’entraînement, du patinage familial et du match qui se sont déroulés dans le cadre de la série Stadium 2019 entre les Flyers et les Penguins.


  1. Who's call was it to make Patrick the speaker for the Flyers' organization? I've never seen such a lacklustre interview…

  2. Man after watching the WIRED special I’m so pissed off we lost Wayne Simmonds😭… NEED him back next season …

  3. I actually think the Flyers might try to get Simmonds back. It's possible it won't happen and probably won't but it could. And as long as there is hope, I'm holding onto it. He's one of my all time favorite Flyers.

  4. Best team in the NHL. Not because they win all the time because they don't. But because they are a team you want to be on. Almost every player that has a list of teams they're willing to go to, for waving their no-trade, Philly is on that list. (Not all but most). Sure, they don't always get them but that's not the point. Almost everyone in the NHL will tell you that playing in Philly (visitors) will tell you that the fans are some of the hardest to play with them jeering you. That's a good thing. When a groups loves a team enough so it make someone that does it for a living, think about them when you're coming to play in that barn, that team is something else.

    They are an internationally loved team. So many NHLers were fans of the Flyers. They basically made hockey tough. It's always been a tough sport, and now they play clean, tough, fast hockey instead of just beating the other team up, however, they are still the Bullies of Broad St. The only people that hate the Flyers are fans that either grew up loving a team that the Flyers beat up on, or they don't really love hockey.

    I'm a Flyers fan 1st but I love The Hawks (even though Chicago is a terrible city) because they are a team like the Flyers. They don't have the fans like the Flyers (no other team does) but they are a great team.

    The Flyers just have that "it" factor that makes people love them. They have grit. (Which is where Gritty comes from). Even Giroux, a player expected to just put up points, lays out to block shots, dives to lift a stick at the last second, fights if there's no one their to do it for him, hits, and battles in those face-offs which is why he's the best face-off guy in the NHL. And still, there's only 1 or 2 players with as many points as him since 2010.

    Simmonds was a Flyers through and through. It's hard to see him in some other jersey because it's like it doesn't fit. It's just off. Simmonds is a Flyers. I believe he feels the same way. If the Flyers wanted him back, they could've gotten him. Maybe they tried and it wasn't right but they could use him. I think he still has something left but he got paid well to play for a shitty team in the same area.

    You can't say enough good things about this team. And now with the lineup and 3 head coach quality guys running the team, they are stacked.

    Giroux, Couturier, and Konecny
    JVR, Hayes, and Voracek
    Lindblom, Patrick (when he's back), and Farabee or one of the other up and comers
    Raffl, Laughton, and maybe Pitlick or one of the other up and comers.

    Provorov, Niskanen
    Gostisbehere, Braun
    Senheim, and Myers or Hagg.

    Hart, Elliot in net,

    Hart is the next Carry Price. The kid is amazing. Even if he has some rough seasons, he's shown nothing but skill and the mind-set needed.

    They have so much scoring. The 1st line is a passers delight with 3 players that can finish on their own. Line 2 is a line of BIG guys that will all crash the net and one of them is a superstar that can pass almost as well as Giroux. Line 3 has 2 solid guys that can bury the puck. I mean Patrick is a 2nd line center on all but maybe 2 or 3 other teams. They have maybe the best D in the NHL. Last season was rough but they were playing for a terrible coach. When Hack-stal left they went from dead last to the hottest team in the NHL. It was just too little, too late. And they didn't get a goalie until later. Now, they are starting a season with a lineup that made them the best team in the NHL at the end of last season and they have a great head coach, and very good head coach quality on both D and O. This is the season it all starts to pay off.

    Anyway, sorry I wrote so much. If you're a Flyers fan you'll like it. How can you not like reading about them?

  5. Nolan Patrick set them back 5 years. When you have a top 5 pick you can’t miss. They put him on waivers LOL. what a joke

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