@Rangers de New York

[Mercogliano] Matt Rempe a déclaré qu’il était « loin d’être satisfait » de l’état de son jeu et a parlé de tout le travail qu’il prévoit de faire cet été. Il a également déclaré que ses amis étaient ravis de le voir revenir à Calgary en tant que célébrité du hockey, car ils espéraient obtenir de la bière gratuite 😂

[Mercogliano] Matt Rempe a déclaré qu’il était « loin d’être satisfait » de l’état de son jeu et a parlé de tout le travail qu’il prévoit de faire cet été. Il a également déclaré que ses amis étaient ravis de le voir revenir à Calgary en tant que célébrité du hockey, car ils espéraient obtenir de la bière gratuite 😂



  1. Dig-Duglett

    would like to see him get a solidified role on this team outside of “fan favorite” and “energy boost”. it’s clear he does have ability that goes beyond his size, it just requires some polish.

  2. EsembeeNY

    I think Rempe might actually have that rare work ethic that can turn him into a much better player than he even is now. Could you imagine a 6ft8 force that smashes people with the skill close to Tage Thompson. He won’t get to the level of Tage but he could be a super rare bread in this game. He’s become my favorite younger guy to follow progress even more than Gabe and Othmann

  3. DonorBody

    Made the best of every shift he was given, and probably should have been given a lot more TOI. Hope he earns a spot for next season. Kid was fun to watch, with a great attitude that should be lauded as an example of how to embrace your dream.

  4. jahauser

    Honestly he can ride this thing pretty high. He’s so massive and has that insane reach, but also is a surprisingly good skater. He 100% earned a roster spot.

  5. Cute-Escape2751

    He’s only 21, played only a handful of NHL games. He will still be a rookie next year.

    He can definitely develop into something great. He’s got something special about him, clearly he’s a very hard worker and wants this so badly. It’s going to be very interesting to see how he plays in training camp. I would love a fourth line consisting of Edstrom, Rempe and someone else next season.

  6. Zero-jiggler

    Hell yea. Wasn’t crazy about him playing this postseason, but have super high hopes for his future with the team.

  7. WillyG2197

    Practice them handles, everytime he had a scoring chance it was wasted, his first touch is rough. Love our little goon tho

  8. blue_pen_ink

    Damn man Rempe, Edstrom, Roobroeck we really could have some big skilled guys coming up the next few years

  9. Accomplished-One7476

    « Free beer Rempe »chants at msg!

  10. Key-Tip-7521

    JIMINIY crickets. Good for you big dog. This kid is raw right now. But the fact he wants to focus on his game(outside of fighting) is a great, sign. Work on that, and Bring that Jam back next year. Keep it up Remps!

  11. Grouchy-Power-806

    I wish they would get Brian Boyle to work with this kid.

  12. TheIncredibleHork

    I. Love. This big galoot. He’s got a positivity that’s phenomenal and a drive to make himself more.

    Is he can get a little speed, learn the net front meat market style, and still cave in heads (sans penalties) this kid will go far.

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