@Canucks de Vancouver

Frank Seravalli sur la notion d’échange des #Canucks avec Filip Hronek

L’initié de la LNH, Frank Seravalli, se demande si les Canucks déplaceront Filip Hronek ou non. Présenté par Northlands Golf Course (https://lnk.to/SPNGC) @northlandsgolfcourse7709 https://twitter.com/sekeresandprice https://www.facebook.com/SekeresandPrice https://www.tiktok.com/@sekeresandprice https://www.youtube.com/sekeresprice https://www.instagram.com/sekeresandprice 📧 live@sekeresandprice.com 📲 778-402-9680 https://www.sekeresandprice.com/ https://www. rinkwidevancouver.com #Canucks #VancouverCanucks #NHL #Hockey


  1. Easy conversation you sign Tanev first the 6 he wouldn’t take on a shorter term while willander develops.

    Getting saddled with an 8 year 7.5-8 million contract for Hronek is a mistake.

  2. Hughes scored 16 more points with 4 extra games played. Big deal. Do people really think this slight bump in production was due to Hronek? He's a #4 on a contending team. He's worth 5.5m max.

  3. We haven't had a "villain" reporter/commentator in Vancouver (or talk about the Canucks) since Neil MacRae. I like having Frank on. He challenges me as a fan and makes me see a different perspective. I'm an adult. I don't get offended if a reporter gives his opinion on the team or one of my players. I hated Neil, because I was a kid and he was saying that my team wasn't good enough. Now I'm glad I grew up with him because he forced me to look objectively and analytically at the team and care about team success rather than individual millionaire hockey players. Glad you guys have Frank on. He has no loyalty to anymore. He's just giving his educated opinion. That's his job.

  4. What I don’t get is the complain that “Hronek will cost too much.”

    Ok well, if you ship him out you got to find a replacement. A UFA on the open market??? It’s already SLIM PICKINGS for a right shot d, meaning guys like Montour, Pesce,even Dymelo or Tanev, they’re all getting paid.

    That price tag won’t be pretty either.

  5. Wow is this guy fat. So fat. He gets bacteria stuck in the folds of fat and the stink is coming thru the screen. So fat the fat is leaking out and attacking his hair. He’s like 32 going on 62.

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