@Oilers d'Edmonton

POST-BRUT | Mattias Ekholm 06.02.24

Mattias parle après que les Oilers ont remporté la finale de la Conférence Ouest avec une victoire de 2-1 contre Dallas lors du sixième match.


  1. Ekholm the new era Pronger. This time we have Bouchard mcjesus driasitle Hopkins Kane nurse human do I really need to keep going. Skinner Bromberg Ryan

  2. we fu#* deserve it boys.. just gotta play like how we played… I teared up a bit just seeing the Western final pic….

  3. I want to say on the Record and FOR THE RECORD post-playoffs that IMHO only this man is in the moment here and understands just how much hard dirty painfull work is just around the bend in the road….the rest have been negatively impacted by Mumford….not this guy he is in the moment and looking sufficiently serious. I hope this anchor can hold them down.

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