@Avalanche du Colorado

Joe Sakic a mené l’Avalanche à deux victoires en Coupe Stanley

L’attaquant prolifique a remporté la Coupe Stanley à deux reprises en tant que capitaine du Colorado, a remporté la Coupe du monde, l’or au Championnat mondial junior, aux Championnats du monde et aux Jeux olympiques.


  1. Hands down, the greatest and most humblest player to ever lace up their skates.

  2. I was a big fan of the Bruins when I was a kid, and Ray Bourque was my favorite player. Year in and year out, he was the perfect defenseman, both offensively and defensively. The problem is that the Bruins, at that time, were notoriously cheap. They refused to spend a little more, even when they were only one or two players away from the Cup. I got discouraged, and started following the Nordiques, who were closer to my home town. Also, they had Joe Sakic. They had very little else but goddammit, he was producing anyway! There was something incredibly relatable about a player that did his best, even though it wasn't enough. He started getting criticized for not being a winner by people who wanted a more charismatic captain. That was disheartening.

    And then came the move to Denver and the 1996 playoffs. He could have been just good enough; instead, he was great. Not just great; one of the most clutch performances of all time with the league record of game winning goals! The likable loser became synonymous with "winner". I couldn't believe it; he blew past my highest expectations, even though they were the high expectations of a fan! I thought I couldn't be prouder. And then Ray Bourque got traded to the Avalanche and Sakic handed him the Cup.

    You were a good hero, Mr. Sakic!

  3. It makes me so happy these days to look back onto the prime players of the Wings – Avs rivalry and how much love and respect they have for each other. Ozzy and Stevie Y giving props. Heck even Lemieux and McCarty shared a beer over memories of their fight. Sakic was one of my favorite players to hate, because he was just that damn good.

  4. I've never been an Avalanche fan, but Sakic was always one of my favourite players growing up.

  5. one of the all time great captains and players. Possibly didn’t get quite enough credit from fans outside CO despite his amazing career. One helluva clutch player and perhaps my favorite center of all time.

  6. his shot was so great that his skating often gets overlooked. great skater, damn good all around player, great actually, one helluva leader, a true clutch player and a gentleman.

  7. it’s so great to hear some of the greats from the Avs arch rivals The Red Wings praise Super Joe! I grew up in Philly and was a life long Flyers fan but due to Sakic and Forsberg and my love of skilled hockey i also became a long time Colorado fan as well. And i’m moving there next year so it all works out woohoo

  8. Used to watch him and Forsberg when they were playing for the Nordiques. An amazing duo.

  9. parents went to school with him and told me he was such a kind and good person and saw him many times after such a good player and person

  10. Imagine Sakic playing with the sticks and equipment today. He’d absolutely 💩 on today’s goalies.

  11. He also won mvp at the winter Olympics and Gold for Canada in Salt Lake City, it was a tremendous year for Joe.

  12. And he is also the ONLY NHL player in the NHL History, getting a 100 pts season with his team finishing last in the NHL!!!

  13. Honest Opinion. Last 30 Years. I consider Joe Sakic by far the most technically gifted and talented NHL Player.

    Just referring to Talent Level.

    Stress, Fatigue. Mistakes.

    Action always clean.

    My opinion.

  14. truly a superstar and yet humble and quiet……him and Yzerman always will be 2 of my favorites for the class acts they were and the great rivarly they had…the two 19's both captains ….but of course lean towards sakic and colorado…..hvala ti Joe

  15. Little known fact is that Sakic is the only player in the NHL to ever get 100 points with the last place team. And he did it twice.

    Another fun fact is that his dad made him shoot about 500 pucks a day wheh he was younger.

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