@Canucks de Vancouver

Donnie et Rick réagissent aux commentaires de Luke Gazdic sur les Canucks et le Twitter des Canucks

Dans notre segment d’ouverture, les gars ont réagi à ce que Luke Gazdic avait à dire hier à propos des Canucks et du Twitter des Canucks.


  1. Don Taylor with the perfect passive-agressive bitchiness from Vancouver. Such thin skin!

  2. Where is the sports net management in this. They must have responsibility for the panel comments. They have a script.

  3. Kevin Bieksa just called the Edmonton media Meat, and he still has a job. so no Luke called the vancouver fans what everyone else in the league knows. they are the worst fan base in Canada. no question. vancouver fans a the lowest and most jealous group of people. there are no well wishes coming from vancouver. Edmonton fans cheered for calgary over Tampa in the finals. nufff said.

  4. Yeah i am tired of him and his Oilers. Lets pray the Panthers Destroy the Oilers in 6 at the max. Bennet Rough them up along with Tchuk

  5. I honestly didn't know who Gazdic was until he sounded of on Canucks Twitter. Then he lumps all us fans in this. Sadly, Luke will mostlikely will give an insincere apology and Sportsnet will stand by Luke.

  6. That was a toxic series from both fanbases and Gazdic's comments reflected that. Elliotte Friedman made a great point. Kevin Bieksa has thick skin. He's a professional. He knows how to deal with the media and the fans in the right way. Not everyone is like that. I'm sure Kevin gets his share of stupid, hateful comments on Twitter, or has in the past, but he deals with it the right way. Yes, some of the comments Luke got were over the line and embarrassing to me as a Canucks fan from people who wouldn't dare say those things to his face. That whole series embarrassed me as a Canadian hockey fan. But you have to be professional regardless, especially if you're in media. If anything, Kevin needs to take Luke aside and tell him it's okay to be pro-Oilers, but if you're an analyst on a national broadcast going into a Stanley Cup Final, at the very least, you can't be saying things that will alienate a large market of potential viewers for Sportsnet. Kevin's not going to go on Donnie and Dhali and blast McDavid and call him scum for the high stick he got away with or call Oiler fans names. Luke just has to learn that he's not just a fan or a player now. He's an analyst and fans across the country are paying attention to him. And you clown yourself when you blame the actions of a few idiots who say horrible things to you on Twitter, which isn't even a real place, on an entire fan base. I'm embarrassed that people would take it that far with him. But he should have found a better way to say what he said and not paint an entire fan base and team with the same brush. He's not a player anymore, he's an analyst on national television. Friedman, Kelly Hrudey, they all deal with the toxicity of Twitter. But they don't say stupid things like that, even on their own regional broadcasts.

  7. This is a joke! ofcourse there are bad apples in every fanbase, This plug who had 8 points in the nhl is calling a franchise a joke when hes the real joke. Nucks fans are calling him a homer and he starts off by saying WE when talking about the oilers. Bieksa is a canucks player and does the same job but he is not a homer at all. Thats what canucks fans have a problem with. Hes a major homer and shouldnt be working during NATIONAL brodcasts but we all SN is a joke and only care about the leafs

  8. Luke was great at getting the crap beat out of him as a fourth line pylon. You can't really blame him for only having three brain cells left in his empty skull

  9. Gazdic sucks. He doesn’t belong on the panel. Bieksa is biased too but he doesn’t hide it and is at least entertaining.

  10. Weak! Absolutely disrespectful to all British Columbians and Vancouver Canuck fans.

  11. Kind of hard to be a memorable personality sitting next to Bieksa. I think this was a miscalculation on his part in an attempt to get noticed.

  12. He better loose his job. He wasn't even good at it to begin with. What a clown.

  13. Luke Gadzic was a no one I had never even heard of the guy and i watched the oilers for alot of years. Hes a goon who took to many shots to the head

  14. Spare the witch hunt. Gazdic is a really good albeit inexperienced voice who made a dumb mistake. His long form interviews are really good. Unfortunately he should stay off of Social Media which caters to lowest common denominator diatribes instead of good dialogue and discussion.

  15. You guys get ripped on the ice as well. Maybe if you cry enough you can get someone fired to make yourselves feel relevant.

  16. Well said Donnie and Dhalil. Gazdic's response was unprofessional and just made him look soft. Mediocre analyst at best compared to the others and he knows it, his insecurities are emerging.

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