@Red Wings de Détroit


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  1. A CAREER????? he was on the Oilers team when they were TANKING hard for Nurse, Leon, McD……. He was obviously only on the team to help tank… lets be real.

  2. He should just start releasing screen shots exposing toxic fans. Canucks have easily surpassed leafs as most hated fan bases. My twitter feed is full of crybaby canucks fans spamming garbage.

  3. I believe him cuz the canuck fans and media are the absolute worst in Canada. Toronto fans arent as bad as Vancouver fans.

  4. This is a joke! ofcourse there are bad apples in every fanbase, This plug who had 8 points in the nhl is calling a franchise a joke when hes the real joke. Nucks fans are calling him a homer and he starts off by saying WE when talking about the oilers. Bieksa is a canucks player and does the same job but he is not a homer at all. Thats what canucks fans have a problem with. Hes a major homer and shouldnt be working during NATIONAL brodcasts but we all SN is a joke and only care about the leafs

  5. Congrats to Oilers, but they did win the 7th game by one goal. Oilers undoubtedly do bulk of complaining to refs, if they go on to win cup, will they be the first team to drink wine instead of champagne out of it?

  6. I’m not a fan of either team…he obviously can’t say that stuff b/c of his position…but I never realized how toxic Canucks fans are. He wasn’t really wrong. Have not seen another fanbase even close to as deplorable.

  7. Luke ain’t wrong, Canucks fans are the most delusional, fair weather ignorant fans out there.

  8. Canucks deserved 1 win vs Edmonton game that’s it.

    Nashville should have taken them out.

    Most overrated 1 line team in the playoffs.

  9. Two Cup Finals riots, and goading this kind of reaction out of Gazdic. You Canucks fans are impressively toxic. I actually hoped your team would have some success this season and they did but now I'm way past that.

  10. Luke is a Professional Broadcaster? Reacting the way he did to silly garbage was very immature and clearly unprofessional.

  11. Damn dawg, how you gonna let people on the internet bully you lol. Turn the screen off, block them. Refuse to speak yapanese.

  12. Gazdic just has to realize that a certain % of the vocal fans are the skumm of this Earth. That will always be true, and it isn't worth worrying about. As for you "fans" who having nothing to say about those POS fans, you are no better.

  13. Undoubtedly, Gazdic received messages that were vile and went so far over the line that you could no longer see that line in the rear view mirror.

    That said, his response was arrogant, offensive, immature and totally unprofessional. Unless he grows up real quick, he has no place on a national NHL broadcast.

  14. The biggest homer is Kevin bieksa, gazdic is a homer too of course, who cares doesnt make the commentary worse. Everybody who is not a vancouver fan knows its the truth worst fans in the league by a country mile

  15. Good job by gazdic. I’ve never seen such vitriol from a fan base. I thought oilers fans were bad… but own it. You guys have had a good team for one year, fear your fans after a few more years. Your fans are bad though

  16. I'd be surprised if something happens to his job. It will just be another example of how Sportsnet gives zero shits about Vancouver and the Canucks.

  17. Don’t care about him saying “we” A) because he actually played there and B) because he wasn’t on a broadcast he was on an oilers podcast.

  18. Honestly Canucks fans are the most toxic. Leaf fans are the most entitled, but Van fans with their f-mcdavid videos & more are the worst. I know it's not all fans but certainly it's the loudest section of van fans.

  19. I would say luke is wrong Oilers destroy Canucks it was a well fought hard series Canucks your team is amazing it really needs a few tweaks to make the final and win, but mostly its a good team

  20. Can we please bring on some Pathers broadcaster to replace Luke or at least to be on the other side. Many Canadians are not rooting for the Oilers. Panthers deserve to win. They must rough up the oilers and hammer their defense.

  21. I try not to chirp opposing fans too hard but I tweeted at him this
    I hope I don't come across as one of those fans you talked about because I totally am not trying to be one
    5-4 Canucks
    4-3 Oilers
    4-3 Canucks
    3-2 Oilers
    3-2 Canucks
    5-1 Oilers
    3-2 Oilers

    Doesn't come across to me as "Dusting"
    It comes across as 6 close games
    that could have gone either way
    Drilling down we get Goal orders of
    2 COCOCOO (OT)
    4 OOCCO
    5 OCOCC
    6 OCOOOO
    7 OOOCC
    O=Oiler C=Canuck
    With one game going to OT
    Outside Game 6 and maybe 7 I don't see many other places that look like "Dusting"

    Game 7 has Boeser out though which is basically the same as if McDavid went down in terms of lost point production based on him being our top scorer

    Overrall the Canuck and Oiler series was WAY WAY WAY closer than anyone gives it credit for before during or after the series

    Anyway That's all I wanted to put out
    Into the world was that the data would show a series this close shouldn't be called a "dusting" by any kind of analyst who looks at the data in front of them
    Expecially because One goal for van in Game 2 in OT and the whole outcome is changes

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