@Canucks de Vancouver

Les Canucks de Vancouver ont-ils des problèmes de casquette ? Contrat Brock Boeser, Quinn Hughes et Elias Pettersson ?

Non, les Canucks de Vancouver n’ont pas de problèmes de plafond. C’est à peu près tout. Bien sûr, avec leurs 5 millions de dollars prévus dans l’espace, ils doivent signer Brock Boeser, et bien sûr, ils devront signer Elias Pettersson et Quinn Hughes sur toute la ligne, mais en réalité, il n’y a rien à craindre. Les Canucks ont des atouts consomptibles. Ils ont des gars dont l’avenir au sein de l’équipe n’est ni garanti ni stable. Ils ont des gars qui pourront être déplacés au cours des prochaines années, voire des prochains mois. Il ne faut pas s’inquiéter aujourd’hui des futurs problèmes de plafonnement alors qu’il existe tant d’options pour éviter ce scénario qui pourrait se produire demain. Twitter : @LR99Gaming Portfolio : http://giopalermo.ca/ Twitch : legorocks99 Discord : https://discordapp.com/invite/X49W9Jh Salut. Je m’appelle Gio Palermo, également connu sous le nom de legorocks99Gaming (« legorocks99 », « LR99Gaming » ou « LR99 »). Je publie sur YouTube des commentaires de jeux vidéo portant sur des sujets liés au hockey et aux Canucks de Vancouver. J’aime faire ces vidéos et j’espère que vous apprécierez les regarder ! Je suis également étudiant au programme BCIT Radio Arts & Entertainment, et cette chaîne YouTube est un élément essentiel de mon portfolio radio BCIT 2019.


  1. Not an issue. Worst case Ontario he signs 1 year $6m and gets a whopping 8 year deal next year

  2. I don't think the Canucks will be able to move anyone this summer. Other teams also want to clear out cap as well and haven't been able to do so. It's unlikely that Erikson would be be traded this summer and someone like Brodie or Zucker would still be out there. I get that we don't have a cap crunch long term but it's still frustrating that we signed beagle and didn't pounce on the opportunity to trade Sutter. Doesn't feel like the Canucks are on the ball sometimes when it comes to moving off of players and how much money players should get in contracts.

  3. this video doesnt really provide any insight … so give a few examples of how they"ll free up 3.5-4 mill as thats what they'll need to sign boeser and goldy….. you're very optimistic but theres no solution or possible solutions provided

  4. I dont think anyone will take Ericsons contract but let's hope they get something figured out

  5. Absolutely right about the cap! Canuck Way writer Alex Hoegler needs to watch this video more than anybody else, as he’s been spouting cap issue non-sense from Capfriendly.

    After Boeser and Goldy sign, Canucks will have 16 forwards on the roster. Assuming Canucks open season with 8 D man and 13 forwards, 3 is them will be sent down. Let’s say they demote Schaller, Goldy, and Motte, the Canucks cap space will go from 5M to close to 7.6M, giving Canucks the room to fit Boeser in for 7M AAV – 4 years.

    The tough year would be 2020-2021, when Tanev and Markstrom come off, and Virtanen and Stecher needing new contracts too. With Seattle expansion coming, there will be tough decisions on whose getting let go.

  6. Were pushing up against the cap with our best players on ELCs. Yeah, it’s not a cap disaster, but this is definitely worrisome and frankly unacceptable for a team as bad as the Canucks have been. I’m not worried about not getting Petey or Hughes re-signed, I’m worried about being able to add more talent around them since the team as it is, is a bubble team that I believe will be on the outside looking in this year. They desperately need to hire a cap specialist.

  7. We only have cap “issues” right now. Literally could we could bury erriksson and shaeler tomorrow and sign brock to a 7 million dollar deal.

  8. LTIR for Roussel and that buys them some more time to get to the Eriksson thing done. Schaller and a couple others should get the Boeser thing done though, so it's all good for now. Canucks gotta make the playoffs this year so Boeser will get done and Benning will save his job for now. I don't think they have any major problems yet, that comes in two years when they gotta come up with some really big dough.

  9. I'm not worried about Brock getting signed, Benning never would have signed Ferland if he didn't have a plan ready to sign both. A couple years from now a lot of players will be gone freeing millions in cap room…..even if there is a problem down the road signing a player; oh no, we'll have to trade him for some draft picks and some good younger players. I relish the thought of my Canucks having so many stars they can't sign them all. That's the opposite of a problem lol.

  10. Could it work like this, if a team traded for Loui, could that team pay Loui half and canucks keep half. If that team trade back a 2 million dude they dont like to canucks, could canucks then waive that dude and get rid of 1 more million. In that case the other club would pay 1 million for Loui and canucks would get rid of 2 million in cap from 6 million Loui. Maybe dont work that way. Just a dream right? If someone says it dont work this way and this is stupid i will agree 😀

  11. Andrew Walker is a pathetic excuse for a Vancouver radio host. Typical Toronto bias thinking they can just throw in one of their own and it'll fit into the culture no problem. 650 is unbearable besides Sat Shah and Rintoul.

  12. Absolutely we have cap problems. There won't be enough cap space for Hughes and Pettersson's bonuses this year so, they will carry over to next year. If that happens again next year, Hughes and Pettersson's bonuses will carry over when they need new contracts. There is way too many unmovable, buyout-proof contracts. This management team has been one of the worst( if not the worst) at managing the cap.

  13. We can always stagger what we pay him in what years. Ex. 5m this year 9m next year and 7m aav throughout all of his 6 or 7 years etc.

  14. When you forecast the cap space like that, it does make sense and were scheduled to have no cap issues in the future. However, something always happens between now and then, either it’s positive(a low prospect gets 100 points and top money) or we’ve just singed another Eriksson or minimal salary got bumped to $2 million. All I know is Vancouver finished bottom 3rd in the league and now they’re capped out as of today.

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