@Oilers d'Edmonton

Cette finale de la Coupe Stanley sera du CINÉMA absolu

L’aperçu de la finale de la Coupe Stanley de la LNH 2024 des Oilers d’Edmonton contre les Panthers de la Floride est essentiellement ce que cette vidéo est devenue, mais nous abordons également de nombreux sujets abordés dans cette finale de la Coupe des Oilers Panthers – Matthew Tkachuk Sam Bennett Corey Perry Leon Draisaitl Connor Mcdavid Legacy, les Oilers et « l’équipe du Canada », le calendrier des finales de la coupe Stanley et plus encore. Pour tout ce qui concerne les séries éliminatoires de la LNH 2024, ainsi que les rumeurs sur les échanges hors saison et les actualités de la LNH, les classements, les réactions des fans, les analyses spécifiques aux joueurs comme le match de but de Connor McDavid 6 contre les étoiles de Dallas et juste en général et les faits saillants de la LNH bien sûr, abonnez-vous à Johnny Hawkey. Panthers de la Floride Finales de la LNH des Oilers d’Edmonton 2024 #nhl #highlights #nhlnews #stanleycup #edmontonoilers #floridapanthers


  1. As a leafs fan this Stanley cup final will be the best hopefully the oliers Can beat Florida Florida is a very good team

  2. Why bring up that war propganda scumbag from Washington all the time? Not even gonna name him, the guy does not belong.

  3. With 24 Canadian players on the active Oilers roster (plus an American, a German robot, and 2 Swedes) the Cup will basically be touring Canada all summer long if the Oilers win.

    Despite that, I understand if fans of other Canadian teams don't cheer for the Oilers. But there are going to be a lot of friends and family of these players across the nation that would love for the Cup to visit their hometown. Calgary, Vancouver, Edmonton, Montreal, Toronto, and Ottawa would all see the Cup visit their city (sorry Winnipeg).

    For Leafs fans it's a win-win because if the Oilers lose, their biggest rival loses. But if the Oilers win, McD delivers a Cup to Edmonton and is more open to sign with the Leafs after to deliver them a Cup.

  4. It's so nice that every game starts here at 3am!
    Maybe 2% of the whole population of Europe will / are able to watch the Stanley cup finals.

  5. What about the Stars loss and team breakdown like the Rangers video? You could talk about the old guard and new guard and so much more.

  6. Oilers fan here…. I hope the Panthers don’t go out of their way to legit hurt a star like McDavid or Draisaitl…. But I am here for a rough, physical rat filled series…. Buckle up this is gonna be a good one!!!

  7. I’d root for the Oilers wholeheartedly, they’re my favorite team from Canada. But I’m a die hard Panthers fan born and raised in South Florida. Bring Lord Stanley home and I’ll die happy. Vamos Gatos!

  8. As a Flames fan, a real Flames fan, I'd rather pay Justin Trudeau more tax money than cheer for the Oilers. GO CATS.

  9. I don't know why everyone is up in arms about the cup finals being in mid to late June all of a sudden- been like that for years… i remember missing the Red Wings win the cup because i was at my cousin's wedding… in mid June. And how many years ago was that? 98?

  10. The NHL has not celebrated skill over goonery in a long time. Hence, Florida wins.. Goons win! Surprise!? Bring your family and kids to watch! lol

    Btw, Paul Maurice is Dwight from the office.

  11. 0:26 I've said this a million times already, but the idea of fans from other fanbases coming together to root for a rival because they're Canadian….probably the dumbest idea I've ever heard. If I was a Lightning fan and saw Florida in this Final, I wouldn't give two craps. There wouldn't be this pull because they're Floridian, or the fact they're cupless…..if my team isn't in it, I don't care.
    I hate to break it to you, but the country itself doesn't get the trophy. If Edmonton wins, the Canucks don't get to parade with the Cup….the Flames don't get to add another Cup to their record. That's not how this works.

  12. Canucks fan here – totally rooting for Edmonton. Took me about a week to forgive them for beating us in game 7 but now I'm totally on their side. Go Oilers Go!!!

  13. The long playoffs are awesome if anything they should shorten the fucking marathon 82 game regular season

  14. There are the top four picks of the 2014 draft in these finals, and somehow Draisaitl has one more point this playoffs than the other three combined.

  15. I like how Florida Panthers have 3 of the top 4 draft picks from the 2014 Draft, and guess who was pick number 3? Leon Draisaitl

  16. Florida wins the first two at home. Then wins it all at home in Game 5. It'll be dull as ditchwater.

  17. i haven't been this excited for a cup final in so long. the ex-flames on the cats that will make it somewhat of a pseudo-BoA (or as close to a BoA final as we could get), the starpower that mcdavid, draisaitl, tkachuk, barkov, and more bring to the table (and the fact that oilers/panthers players make up the first 5 slots of most points overall in the past two post-seasons), and the fact that it's a canadian team in the final against a southern U.S. team all combine to create such an awesome narrative already. cannot wait to see how this turns out.

  18. as a flames fan fuck the oilers every day of the week. chucky loved cgy and I blame treliving for his departure. lets hope the oil don't win because the flames are so fucked and we're gonna get chirped even more

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