@Red Wings de Détroit

Hockey IQ – Glenn Healy explique comment les Redwings de Détroit jouent tous comme Pavel Datsyuk

Red Wings de Détroit contre Blackhawks de Chicago


  1. You`re an idiot……maybe you meant to add ….thats currently out of the playoffs., but even thats a stretch

  2. Healy picked Detroit ha and also stated how the kings would beat up the hawks in the next round and the pens would have it easy vs the bruins.

    Career backups suffer from relevancy issues

  3. It's still astonish me just how many people have no idea about Rotogenflux Methods (just google search it) although a lot of people increase their IQ of 23 points with it. Thanks to my mate who told me about this. I've increase your IQ of 22 points.

  4. The whole league has turned into a "scoring off the rush" offense. You rarely ever see teams set up for the o-zone cycle or score goals off the cycle. It's move the puck hockey, and it has resulted in a boost in scoring this season – however I think teams will learn how to sit back to counter faster teams, and this will become a low scoring league again next year.

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