@Devils du New Jersey

Banter hors-saison des Devils du NJ : repêchage au n°10 ? Agence libre, gardiens de but, Brady Tkachuk, retour de Toffoli et plus

Les Devils du New Jersey ont beaucoup de travail à faire cette intersaison. Mon bon ami Joe, « Joestalgia » est passé pour discuter d’une tonne de sujets : – Brève discussion sur notre haine pour les Rangers de New York et le fait de grandir entouré de leurs fans – Les Devils du New Jersey devraient-ils utiliser le choix n°10 pour recruter un joueur ? – Quel(s) gardien(s) les Diables devraient-ils essayer d’avoir ? – À quoi renonceriez-vous vraiment pour Brady Tkachuk s’il devenait disponible ? – NHL Free Agency – Devons-nous démissionner de Tyler Toffoli ? – Nos visions individuelles pour l’intersaison Sans surprise, nous étions en désaccord sur de nombreuses questions. Nous discutons (discutons) de tout cela et plus encore dans cette vidéo. Faites-moi part de vos réflexions dans les commentaires. Voir nos autres vidéos pour Devils Coverage! Abonnez-vous pour plus de contenu Devils à venir ! : https://www.youtube.com/@runninwiththedevils?sub_confirmation=1 Suivez-nous sur Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/7BYmvZzdWiRfnEZzZA8RJd Suivez-nous sur Instagram : https : //www.instagram.com/runninwiththenjdevils/ Suivez-nous sur X : https://www.instagram.com/runninwiththenjdevils/ #njdevils #tomfitzgerald #newjerseydevils #linusullmark #ullmark #juusesaros #saros #jacobmarkstrom #markstrom #devils #bradytkachuk # jackhughes #tkachuk #sheldonkeefe #keefe #tylertoffoli #toffoli #njdevilspodcast #newjerseydevilspodcast #nhl #hockey #nhldraft #nhltrade #nhltrades #nhltraderumor #nhltraderumors #nhlfreeagency


  1. The best Devils podcast by far. Thanks for the great Devils content from a fan's perspective. I grew up a Rags fan starting in the 1960s. Games were on Channel 9 WOR, usually on Saturday nights. As a born and bred New Jerseyite, I finally switched to the Devils in the late '90s and haven't looked back.

  2. Jack took a few years to develop. Luke and Simon are still developing. But, a #10 usually won't contribute significantly for at least 2 years at best. Big difference from a #1,a #2 or a #4 pick.

  3. Personally kills me when someone says they are a rangers fan because there wasnt a devils team back when they first started watching the nhl.

  4. I think you have to give up at least a Mercer, Holtz, Casey, this year's #1, and next year's #2, for Brady T. and I would do it.

  5. Ace, don't you remember? We were this close to trading the number 2 to Montreal for Josh Allen. (J/K) Lol. That still makes me laugh

  6. Sharangovich was wild underutilized with us so of course he's going to be way more attractive in Calgary since they're actually utilizing him properly. I do think because Nemec got so much time with us already it would really be heartbreaking to let him go, even for Brady. It's a very tough call for me personally as I understand both arguments but we 100% need to deal the draft pick for results now and not later.

  7. The text pop-up graphic/evidence was great hahaha – thank you for letting me know I’m not the only person who will keep a screengrab for years if it has even the slightest potential to be brought back to obliterate my knucklehead friends

  8. If you guys made a podcast together it would be entertaining as hell and I would absolutely listen

  9. In no world do i want toffoli back he can barely move on the ice he cant drive play hes just a finisher and brings no sandpaper to this lineup..

  10. They need to bring in diff types of players u watch these playoffs and see how small we are ok the backene they need to get bigger and gritter this devils team would have got pushed around in the playoffs

  11. They better deal that pick i dont wany another prospect its a fckin poject that we dont need u trade the pick for a proven player our blue line is a real problem rn idk were ur sliding a prospect in this lineup

  12. I totally agree with you on who to package for tkachuk. Your friend is totally over rating Mercer. Bratt needs to go also. Both players have talent but are "Charmin soft". If we are seriously going to build a tougher, physical team the top 6 can't be super soft. If you add Tkachuk for Bratt thats a huge upgrade. Ullmark is a way better goalie than Markstrom. Casey might make the team in camp this year, he is that good. Big game snoozing. Wake me up when Kmart Tom does something besides word salad interviews.

  13. If we do keep the pick, I would want Yakemchuk, Dickinson, or Solberg. Possibly Helenius, or Iginla if they are there.

  14. Its 2am here in London ,UK and maaaan I am glad that I played this before sleep. Made me laugh and damn I wish I had someone here to have such passionate discussion. The best Devils podcast out there.

  15. The devils need to add a winger for Jack and really sign some gritty players and form a diesel third line. Martinook would be perfect and cheap. The key to winning in the playoffs is having that stud checking line that can score goals the Madden line the gianta line

  16. I’m hoping if Eiserman is there at #10 they take him. My biggest fear is that they trade this pick for Markstrom. Or, worse yet, Philadelphia takes Eiserman and he kills us the next 15 years. Eiserman paired with Jack Hughes would be dynamic like McDavid and Draisatl.

  17. I think Fitz needs to start in goal and work his way forward. The goalie position is the weakest spot for this team and defense is next. I agree with the needs being 1-2-2 but I think thats a lot to ask for. At a minimum I would like to see 1-2-1 (Goalie/Defense/Forward) but realistically I think we are looking at 1-1-1. Ullmark is still my number one target for the off season but now I hear they are also looking at Filip Gustavsson in Minnesota. I really don't know a lot about him but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't cost the 10th pick over all. Then we need size and grit on the blue line. As for Toffoli, I agree with your friend, he will be in the range of $6MM per season. I'm not saying that is what the Devils would pay but I think that is the range he will be in. I think he will end up back in LA.

  18. Dude on the right is exactly how Chiarelli runs his teams. Poor trades and shit contracts lol. Toffoli for 6.5? Gtfo

  19. Fitz needs to trade the 1st round (10) pick, we don't need more young talent – we need win now players! I wanna see a goalie, an experienced heavy D-man, and a gritty forward. In terms of goalies I don't mind Markstrom, but Saros and Ullmark will cost too much. Personally I like Laurent Brossoit as well – he's good enough to be 1A and he's never gonna get that in Winnipeg.

  20. Now, we need the episode with your Rangers friend who we already saw. Wanna see his face after the Rags exit😂

  21. The more I think about this…. I would trade Bratt AND the number 10 pick to get Brady in an instant. It's a no brainer, you're not losing the points Bratt gets – Brady is an 70-80 point player (on a much worse team), and you're gaining everything else Brady brings – size, snarl, hits, Tkachuk-type hockey 😎

    In the play-offs, I'd take Brady Tkachuk on my wing over Bratt any day 🤷

  22. Just finished watching the episode. Man, your friend is hard to listen. What loads of nonsense is he talking! Tkachuk, one of a kind player, the NHL star and the Captain! And your friend wants to give Ottawa Holtz, Casey and two 1sts😂😂😂😂🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️. Then Toffoli 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Gibson 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️. Is you friend Fitzgerald related? My word. At least you by this summer came to your senses and started to prioritize what should be prioritized with cap in mind

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