@Blues de Saint-Louis

Il y a cinq ans aujourd’hui, Acciari tombait, Saint-Louis marquait, et c’était assez incroyable.

Il y a cinq ans aujourd’hui, Acciari tombait, Saint-Louis marquait, et c’était assez incroyable.



  1. Play to the whistle. Whether it was a trip or not Boston just stopped skating after that. They expected a call, which maybe there should have been one, but they just stopped skating like they thought there was going to be a whistle that ultimately never came.

  2. JNWwevs

    The Bruins got away with a blatant trip on (iirc) Parayko in the Blues zone a couple minutes before this happened. The difference is that Parayko got up and played hockey rather waiting for a call.

  3. NoHeat7014

    That whole season was crazy. I went to the last game in December when they were in last place. Watched game 7 at a bar in Houston.

  4. PajamaHive

    Krug and tipping in goals for the wrong team. Name a more iconic duo. I’ll wait.

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