@Canucks de Vancouver


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  1. the oilers should thank all the 1st overall draft picks they got year after year. they have finally made it to a final. even a blind dog finds a bone once in a while i guess. vancouver has never had a first overall but they got a 2nd and took that pick to game 7 of the scf against the president cup winners. have you seen edmonton? i think they have an inferiority complex given vancouver is THE most beautiful city in canada with the most to offer.

  2. Holy crap are you Canuck fans so incredibly sensitive that you can't actually see that he's actually giving the Vancouver franchise some credit that because Vancouver was so tough that it forced the Oilers to look at themselves and realize that they need to be better? Instead of slam dunking on the Canucks and boasting about how the Oilers were the better team and that the Canucks continue to never have won anything, he chose to try and bolster your ego a bit, and you crucify him for it. I hadn't paid any attention to Vancouver and their fans prior to this year, but wow are they the most entitled, sensitive, uneducated, and toxic fan base in the league. I look forward to the Canucks returning to irrelevance again to return peace back to the world again. Just yikes, get over yourselves.

  3. Was going to cheer for Edmonton against Florida, because Florida has their fair share of rats/pests. And a Canadian team winning too. But after seeing the way Edmonton media reacted and said what they said, naw I hope they finish dead last another 10 years in a row. Only this time around they won’t get the first pick every year

  4. Two sentence summary: "Homer oilers writer with limited talent realizes that trolling the canucks fan base will result in more eyeballs. Legorocks learns from it and kinda does the same thing, only better and less obviously."

  5. honestly i agree its to much as an oiler fan, but do i blame them not really some of the stuff being said towards them was quite vile so I cant blame em for holding a grudge is it professional no but i get it.

  6. As an oiler fan I can tell you nobody likes spectar. He's a clown. You guys are getting trolled. You deserve it btw 🤣

  7. Why do Canucks fans even care at all what another team's media guy says weeks after the Nucks were eliminated? Especially someone like Mark Spector, who Oilers fans themselves don't even take seriously.

  8. Born and raised in van, die-hard Canuck fan, but I’ll say this we do have some seriously messed up fans, on par with Toronto. When ever I travelled across this country, trashing Canuck fans as being a bunch of dicks is a fact. Coming from a reporter however is pretty lame.

  9. As an oilers fan don't worry too much about what Mark spector says. He's a meatball. Even lots of oilers fans don't like him. He says plenty of cringe worthy dumb stuff.

  10. Listening to Mark Spector? This guy is the biggest clown of all time. I’d rather hear what my 12 year old has to say about hockey and he doesn’t even follow hockey. Please stop.

  11. I am an Oilers fan, Spector & Matherson are both clowns, they both need to retire. Spector usually makes a snarky comment against the team he covers. He is rude to the players. I and a lot of Oilers fans cant stand him. I wouldn't pay any attention to that so called sports reporter, he is getting the attention he seeks since he has no actual talent as a sports writer. The Oilers & Canucks series could have went either way. Hold your head held up high, you have an amazing team and their future looks really bright. I seen toxic fans on both sides and in every series. I cringe when I see cocky , pure ignorant "Oilers fans " spouting off to other fan bases. There are great fans & all teams always will have the assholes who makes fan bases (no matter what team you cheer for) look bad and reflects on us all.

  12. Canucks are a fraud of a team and the fans too gullible see that Jim #2 is as much of an Aqualini tool as Jim #1 is

    This team is 2 years away from a rebuild no RD 1 top 6 line.

    Goalies are the strength now with Silovs arrival

    Little to no prospects.

    Even if they bring everyone back they are still not good enough.

    1st place in a division with 4 out 10 teams in the NHl basement wakest division in the show.

    Edmonton came out slow and Vegas was limping all year.

    Canucks at best 3rd in division if not on par with LA

  13. Well tell your fans to shut up then. Are they going to whine all offseason? What the hell is wrong with you guys. Worst fans in the league.

  14. Most oilers think Mark Spector sucks too…. He's the reason why players don't wanna go to Canada . I'm an oiler fan and I can't stand him.

  15. The Canucks helped make the Oilers. That’s the way I saw it. It’s patently obvious. If Van didn’t beat up on the oilers up early & often causing them to fall down in the standings & fire their idiot head coach, the oilers wouldn’t be here. Vancouver definitely helped create a monster in Edmonton. I see nothing wrong with the article at all.

  16. Thoughts as an oilers fan… canucks media and oilers media along with every other city media in the nhl is… toxic.

    Bring the cup home. Thats all that matters. Im glad edmonton is in but if the canucks had won. Id be cheering them on right now.

    57 years or what ever for the leafs.

    33 years for the oilers

    30 for the canadians

    Over 100 for the sens…. Technically

    Winnipeg entire exsistance both the dorminate pheonix, utah and current instalment of the jets… zero.

    The entire Canucks existence too… zero

    And when did calgary win the cup? I legit forget.

    This drought ia disgusting and pitiful. Lets just get it done this time.

    Also canucks fans… its mark spector. Even we as oilers fans cannot stand a damn thing he says.

    Also you guys owned us this year… 7-4 theres no questions who won the year. Playoffs yes oilers won but hell it could have gone either way.

    For the love of hockey ignore what the media says. Especially spector

  17. Holy Smokes Guy, who was the best player for either team in that series? Your fan base better settle down with the “we would have done far better with Demko in net” narrative unless you’d like to see Silovs in a NJ uniform. What is it with Vancouver and running goalies out of town anyways?? Look, I’m no fan of Spector, or Matheson for that matter, but he has a bit of a point. Every single time Edmonton took their foot off the gas, Vancouver snatched momentum and ran right over the Oilers. Game 6 was the only game in which Edmonton never let up and Boeser played that game. (God speed to his recovery he’s a gem of a person and the hill he’s had to climb makes him even more awesome). Vancouver was the team (not Colorado not Winnipeg, Chicago, or Vegas) that finally taught them how to lock down games and keep the opponent from gaining momentum. Now to suggest we thank you guys for it is insulting and stupid and probably just taking shots at Kevin for his HNIC take on Edmonton media.

  18. Honestly you can ask the Nashville Predator fans and so many have said the Canucks fans were by far the most obnoxious and disrespectful fans they have ever interacted with ever!! The Canucks fans did the same with the Oilers fans and Oilers players ,insulting players on a personal level ZERO class!! Then we faced the Stars ,what a difference those fans the majority were full of class and never resorted to insulting like so many Canucks fans did and so many came out after the series and wished the Oilers good luck ,no comparison between the two fan bases! Canucks fans it was excuses and wishing the Oilers burn to the ground because they beat their team. I don't get it ,Canucks fans are mad because someone came out and spoke the truth about what seems like is the majority of them?

  19. Everyone here needs to go touch grass. Spector has been a reporter longer than most people here have been alive. He's a boomer writing for other boomers for blips sake! If you can't ignore him, that's on you.

  20. Hahaha Mark Spector “ What’s the matter Vancouver fans, why you always so pissy” He can’t ask stupid questions to Leon right now so he kicks the next dog down the stairs. What an ultimate troll, don’t bite Vancouver fans, great series and GO OILERS GO.

  21. Canucks probably won't make playoffs next year, they aren't that good. They just act like playing the Oilers in regular season is a playoff game. They aren't in same class

  22. Spector is a complete idiot. Even the players think he’s out to lunch. The only thing I would say about the series against Vancouver is that it’s good preparation for what is expected to happen in the final. Vancouver played an aggressive style, where every inch of ice was fought for, and if you wanted to go to the high danger locations, you were going to pay for it. I expect the same out of Florida so in that sense, I could say that it was an experience that helped if only for the similarity and style.

  23. Hey Martin Sphincter, you should be careful what you wish for, the Oilers has NO chance in hell in beating a healthy Canucks squad, and you know it. Keep writing your trash, it’s only gonna sting more once next season comes. It’s June, 4 months till next season comes knocking at your doorstep. You’re gonna need more than a box of Kleenex.

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