@Ducks d'Anaheim

La DERNIÈRE vidéo sur la rumeur commerciale des Zegras que vous aurez JAMAIS besoin de regarder…

La dernière vidéo sur les rumeurs commerciales des Zegras que vous aurez besoin de regarder (mais je sais que vous ne le ferez pas)… La finale de la Coupe Stanley commence cette semaine, la partie la plus importante de toute la saison et d’une manière ou d’une autre, les rumeurs commerciales de Trevor Zegras circulent déjà lorsque il ne joue même pas en ce moment. Je récapitule toutes les rumeurs sur Trevor Zegras autour de la LNH (Canadiens de Montréal) et donne mon avis sur la position de Zegras avec les Ducks d’Anaheim dans cette vidéo ! Les Zegras échangent les rumeurs d’un fan des Ducks… 1:00 – Seravalli 🤡 Commentaires 3:33 – Les Ducks vont bien 5:03 – Seravalli défend Z ?! 17h32 – Pas de commentaire de LeBrun 18h25 – BS 19h35 – Trading Z n’a aucun sens Vidéo Zegras : https://youtu.be/TCD7p9S8toA LeBrun : https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5541393/2024 /06/04/nhl-rumblings-zegras-marner-saros/ Stephens : https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5432406/2024/04/22/trevor-zegras-ducks-trade-offseason/ Tweet de mise au jeu quotidienne : https://x.com/DailyFaceoff/status/1797040431571587535 Clip de mise au jeu quotidien n°1 (21:36) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvp0mUp9_9g&t=1463s&ab_channel=DailyFaceoff Clip de mise au jeu quotidien n°2 ( 35:16) : https://youtu.be/vjR4Wiokyqc?si=vW6wSHycZNcAA3m_ Daily Faceoff Short : https://youtube.com/shorts/kCQ3_aEsjbU?si=L_vBx_AwVSnsbPZW Rejoignez cette chaîne pour avoir accès aux avantages : https:// www.youtube.com/channel/UCHpXOnimn-UyGLEiUxl5urQ/join ✅Suivez nos réseaux sociaux, rejoignez notre Discord, achetez des produits et envisagez de faire un don ! ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ 🔗https://linktr.ee/duckmylife *Clause de non-responsabilité relative aux droits d’auteur En vertu de l’article 107 de la loi sur le droit d’auteur de 1976, une « utilisation équitable » est autorisée à des fins telles que la critique, les commentaires, les reportages d’actualité, l’enseignement, l’érudition et la recherche. L’utilisation équitable est une utilisation autorisée par la loi sur le droit d’auteur qui pourrait autrement constituer une violation. L’utilisation à but non lucratif, éducative ou personnelle fait pencher la balance en faveur d’une utilisation équitable. Aucune violation du droit d’auteur n’est prévue. TOUS LES DROITS APPARTIENNENT À LEURS PROPRIÉTAIRES RESPECTIFS*


  1. No way that dude is 36. Serious motivation to get my ass on the treadmill and not end up looking like him. Does he dye his hair to match the age of his build?

  2. They are going to trade him if a good deal comes it part of the business so we cannot get attached to players since the ducks Leo, McTavish cutter, Terry other players on system

  3. Lets just say my takes are often deleted on Servallis channel. I remain polite, break no rules just 100% disagree with nearly everything he says. Then the comment and any responses I make are immediately deleted.

  4. Foxy Rant Coming – honestly, trading Zegras would be a bad mistake for the Ducks organisation, and honestly, would turn alot of fans away from the team, I think Zegras has the ability to make people get invested, and there is no reason why this team cant compete next year, I think the Ducks are building and Zegras shouldnt be just solely defending, he needs the freedom to attack, thats what he is good at. I do think the price for z would be extremely high in the eyes of PV, if he was going to trade him, though his comments tell me that he wants him as a Duck, but wants him to round his game out, that is a tough to do for an attack minded player.

  5. Spot on. We will name a captain soon. It wouldn't surprise me if it's Z. Who has been held to a higher standard? Who is looked up to in the locker room according to Cronin. Who has done everything asked of him according to Cronin and beeker. Another interesting Stat of Z worthy of the c. His penalty minutes. 30 penalty minutes in 31 games does not look good. But you look at his game log, 14 came in a game against Edmonton and 6 in a game against Seattle. So he had 10 penalty minutes in the other 29 games. A c would shut down the trade talks.

  6. Why trade him now? His value is at its lowest point after a challenging season. Unless some team wants to overpay by a ton, with a really high draft pick.
    Ducks are about to have two first rounds picks.
    Hopefully they add some talented free agents, along with a full season of Gauthier.
    The more talent they have throughout the lineup will free up space for Terry, Z, and Mac. So hopefully they all rebound nicely next season.

  7. anything montreal related you can throw it in the trash , their fanbase and minion reporters and editors are insane. another example is they all think demidov is dropping to 5th so they can take him lol , that's all you need to know about these stories they make up in their heads and try to force every nhl fan to accept.

  8. I think one of the reasons Zegras had a so so season other than getting hurt is the fact that he missed camp. Towards the end of the season his game started picking up again. I don’t think they’re gonna get rid of them and I wish like you said, Verbeek would say something.

  9. I think the fact that he is so beloved by the fanbase is a big issue for Verbeek. Doesn’t want the backlash for a trade.

  10. From a sharks fan Frank Seravalli is an idiot he said GM of sharks Mike Grier is the one of the worst GM in the nhl which is bull shit he might be one of the top 5 best

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