@Stars de Dallas

Le lendemain : discussion sur les Oilers d’Edmonton 3 et les Stars de Dallas 5 | DAL MÈNE 2-1

J’ai beaucoup de mots et pas de mots en même temps. Les Oilers d’Edmonton s’inclinent 5-3 face aux Stars de Dallas lors du troisième match de la finale de la Conférence Ouest. Les #oilers avaient une avance de 2-0 après la première période grâce à un bon départ et au jeu dominant de Connor McDavid, mais Kris Knoblauch a joué lui-même et les Oilers ont été absolument DUMMIED par le #texashockey pendant les 40 minutes suivantes. Jason Robertson a réussi un tour du chapeau et Roope Hintz a contribué offensivement pour les Stars à son retour dans l’alignement. Il y a beaucoup de choses à discuter dans l’épisode Day After d’aujourd’hui. Espérons que vous apprécierez! 🧡💙🧡💙 Horodatage #nhl : 0:00 – Intro 3:05 – Groupe de leadership 13:51 – Philip Broberg et Défense 21:44 – Kris Knoblauch 25:57 – Stuart Skinner 29:32 – 60 minutes et ajustements de la programmation 34 : 02 – Clés pour le match 4 34:51 – Merci aux fans des Stars et à Outro ICYMI : Oilers/Stars Game 3 Raw Reaction : https://youtu.be/7YNc2k4VXNg Rappel amical : je serai en direct pour réagir et fournir des commentaires pour CHAQUE match les finales de la Conférence Ouest, et vous pouvez rejoindre le chat en direct et vous amuser ici même à Austin Hockey ! Bracelets/bracelets de la Fondation Ben Stelter : https://benstelterfoundation.myshopify.com/ Si vous ne voulez manquer aucune mise à jour, annonce ou téléchargement de vidéo, assurez-vous de vous abonner à ma chaîne et de suivre mes réseaux sociaux ! Twitter : https://twitter.com/AHockey1993 Bluesky : https://bsky.app/profile/austinhockey.bsky.social TikTok : https://tiktok.com/@AHockey1993 Instagram : https://www.instagram. com/ahockey1993/ TwitchTV : https://www.twitch.tv/austinhockeytv Si vous avez aimé la vidéo d’aujourd’hui, assurez-vous de cliquer sur « J’aime » et si vous l’avez vraiment aimé, assurez-vous de « vous abonner » pendant que nous continuons à créer le meilleur YouTube de hockey. Chaîne en 2024


  1. I’ll never understand how they can absolutely dominate in beginning of games and then totally blow it.

  2. I think the players should shave their beard’s too, their tone of voice today, feels like they have given up. Shed some weight anyway making them a little faster for a full 60 without a 🧔

  3. I think the leadership thing is a longterm trickle down effect from Connor perhaps. I don't fully blame him because we don't choose our personalities, but ever since he joined the league he seems to have some sort of antipathy towards the idea of divulging everything to the media. There's something like a mix of privacy, resentment, and a belief that he's a hockey player and his actions should speak for him and media talk is all window dressing or something like that. I get it, but it has a negative effect. In his first year, I assumed it was something like extreme humbleness where he didn't feel qualified to speak as though he knew anything or had achieved anything. That was fairly reasonable then, but it seems to have continued or morphed into something like what I said above. I think that unspoken attitude about explaining your actions to the public has seeped into other players maybe.

  4. I totally agree with you Austin, fans pay huge money in tickets and merchandise which pays salaries and do I think there are players playing in the playoffs that are earning these salaries, I say not, this is the playoffs all in or bust, why are we breaking down after a lead and a good first period, very frustrating to say the least.

  5. Im real close to becoming a stars fan really sad seeing my team fail, what's the point of paying them the big bucks if they don't do anything.

  6. Im embarrassed you make many great points austin.. no accountability its as if they dont care. It actually shows

  7. I hate to say this about any player but, McDavid is not good at speaking with media and seems to be hot headed ready to bite back and I think his head has swelled a bit from all the hype people make over him. There is a reason they called a man the Great One, he was a true leader

  8. There’s just 0 quit in the Stars. As a Dallas fan, that’s what we want to see out of our teams.

  9. i found it really jarring as a stars fan watching knoblauch last night, he just felt weirdly casual about it. i know we're spoiled with deboer, but i can't believe an nhl coach would be so nonchalant about a loss with no real mention of what to change or what happened

  10. I get the frustration. We have a team that could win the series, but the lack of consistency and urgency from the whole team is mind blowing. I also agree with Nurse. The dude so easily sluffed off his performance last game in the post game interview it made me angry. We better see a significantly different performance from the whole team next game.

  11. Harping too much on what players say to media. When players speak to the press after a playoff game… they aren’t speaking to us… the fans. Their comments are for consumption of the opposing team. That’s their audience. The head games in competition never ends. Certainly doesn’t end when the press turns on a microphone. The players see that as an opportunity to misdirect the opposition…. about their play or health or injuries… whatever.

    You really expect them to say “I sucked” while the series is still going on?? Publicly admitting you sucked in the middle of series is terrible leadership advice. Complete opposite psychologically of where you want their heads to be in the middle of a fight.

    This isn’t accountability time. That comes AFTER the series ends… certainly not DURING or in tough moments do you say “man I really sucked out there”. You stay as positive as humanly possible… even if you have to lie to yourself you never say “I suck” in the middle of a competition. If you do then you are done.

    Why hold up VAN as a shining example of accountability?? They lost!! Lost bad too. Maybe telling the world your players suck in the middle of a playoff series just deflates them in the end. Odd advice to follow the example of a losing team while claiming you want Edm to win. Do all Canadians struggle with staying positive during the tough moments as Oilers fans seem too?? It’s almost like you enjoy losing so much you can’t wait to follow the previous loser into loser land.

  12. cap cap cap look forward next season can oiler resign Broberg with cap limit need better goalie. plus year after Bouchard and Draisaitl plus Ekholm, 35 yrs old. 25M next yr 4 defs and 8M for 2 goalies (one in AHL)

  13. Canucks fan here. I am cheering for Oilers for the rest of the playoffs, because I want to see a Canadian team in the final and of course lifting the Stanley Cup, but I don't think they can beat Dallas Stars. Stars are more structures, looks solid and they have a better goaltender. Good luck Oilers.

  14. Update: Skinner has already been named the starter for tomorrow.

    Keep this in mind… if Skinner gets pulled from another playoff game his career is basically over. He will never get a long term contract for a playoff contending team.

  15. Accountability – Oilers are less mature, more mentally fragile, and more emotionally erratic than Stars. Won't hesitate to play the victim but when things are going their way will take tons of credit and more. Maturity could be the real driving force that makes all the difference. Stars remaining calm and collected, even joking and laughing when they were down 2 points last night creates a contrast and exposes how Oilers go to emotional extremes of either being overconfident about a lead to the point of burning all their energy to becoming hopeless and panicked the moment things start going wrong, at which point things unravel quickly for them. Everyone is always asking why they repeat the same issue of blowing their leads across several games, I also believe that having the same problems arise over and over is an issue of leadership and lack of accountability as well. 

    An "as long as we're winning we don't need to address our issues" attitude will only take you so far until the issue grows so big that it comes back to bite you in the ass. Stars also are not as showy as Oilers, they do their work and move on. They are like sharks swarming the net, waiting for the right moment to hit, versatile team that is strong in all situations and knows how to respond, also supportive and trusting of each other therefore players dont have to overdo things as much as the Oilers do. Also a point was made that if McDavid had made the hat trick goal that Robertson scored, the media and fans would be going crazy, as it stands the media reported it like it was weather, though Robertsons performance still remains amazing. Makes you question what the media is trying to push, perhaps trying to keep Oiler fans hopeful to squeeze the last bits of money out of them. Maybe too much ego and media hype are clouding everyone's (including players) judgement.

    Oilers are also not adapting to the competition, huge mistake. I hope it's not arrogance that makes them think that as long as they just keep doing what they've always done they should win. Star's plays are sharper, more direct, more creative.

    Is it wrong to say that the Stars just seem overall smarter, more direct, more creative? On top of that, when they make a mistake they at least attempt to make amends to not repeat it. They appear to have been studying the Oilers and know how to adapt and respond to them. Oilers look lost next to them, looking around for someone else to take the lead, not confident in their own positions and overdoing things, scrambling when there's an issue instead of making good decisions, then every time the opposing side scores they look even more lost and confused, exposing a lack of confidence.

    Coach at this point is just throwing player combinations together game after game to see what works. Trying to cover up holes which Oilers have too many of and Stars dont even have to do too much to capitalize on the Oiler's weaknesses, just play consistently and solidly. A strong team like Stars have basically exposed to everyone the issues we've all been feeling but not exactly able to put into words. I like the Oilers but they are simply outmatched in my opinion, and I would rather a mature, skilled and smarter team prevail. Seeing the way the Oilers played last night, they deserved to lose that game.

  16. It's Hockey, it happens – WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But to be fair Dallas got outshot 16-4 in the 1st (game 2) and 10-3 game 3

  17. but look at game 7 Canucks did not play for 50 Minutes, so if Edmonton does not play for 10 minutes it's okay. The Edmonton Oiler stars are producing and they are a deep team.

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