@Canucks de Vancouver

Question de vente de fin d’année

J’ai acheté ce bâton JT Miller d’occasion lors de la vente de fin d’année et j’ai remarqué l’acronyme « NFG ! » écrit sur du ruban adhésif sur la tige du bâton (voir photo). Avez-vous une idée de ce que cela pourrait signifier ?

Mes suppositions jusqu’à présent : « Prochain putain d’objectif ? » « Pas pour le jeu? »



  1. squirelrepublic

    Maybe he’s a fan of New found Glory

  2. notmyrealnam3

    pretty clearly « no fucking good » as in, don’t hand me this fucking stick again

  3. tambama

    I would assume « Not From Game » given they are also selling game used equipment. This might have been a practice stick, a demo, or otherwise below game standard.

  4. footcake

    Officially, Not For Game. Hope that helps! 👍

  5. Coachtoddf

    Universal shorthand for No Fucking Good.

  6. AhrimanicTrancee

    In the world of trades NFG absolutely means no fucking good, but in this case I feel it’s equally as likely not for game

  7. crap4you

    I want to know what the DE stands for. Is there any letter in front of it? L?

  8. weaberry

    NFG is commonly used on job sites for tools or equipment that no long work.

    It stands for No Fucking Good, but most guys don’t even read it that way, it literally is used like an abbreviation for “broken”.

  9. krev_mack

    The actual meaning is non functioning goods but on any work site it’s been translated to no f***** good

  10. BoomMcFuggins

    There are a few possibilities…

    -Nicked from Garland

    -Not for Goalies

    -Nachos Friday Guys!

    -Need for Goal!

    -Nils Fed Goal!

    But I would place my money on:

    -No F*cking Good!

  11. Wooden_Proposal_1615

    What does the DE mean tho?

  12. Moistyoureyez

    The technical meaning is **Non-Functioning Gear** and is written on broken shit on worksites globally.

    But we all know it as No-Fucking-Good

  13. canukles-

    No fucking goals with that stick. they keep the ones that do lol

  14. reefedSinner

    I skip the ‘ing’ on my site, it’s just NoFuckGood

  15. ReasonablePhoto6938

    Some equipment is for practice only. I know goalies will use thicker catchers for practice and warm-up, because while some glove flexibility and « feel » is lost, it’s less of a chance to injure a hand. Nobody wants to get injured at practice, that would be embarrassing. So long story short it could be Not For Game and be less flex or something on it, so nobody is wiring 100mph clappers at the tendy during practice or warm-up and potentially injuring him.

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