@Flames de Calgary

Le bouton

J’ai vu des gens parler de ce clip de Rick et Kelly et j’ai pensé que je devrais le poster ici pour qu’il soit plus facile à trouver.



  1. TheRockBandMoop7

    Hilarious. So glad that was caught on air

  2. tristan1616

    This was the best part of that game as you can see us getting blown out by fucking Ottawa

  3. wahlberger

    Even better was the slomo replay with the speed shown on screen later in the broadcast.

  4. antoinedodson_

    Uhg, I am going to miss Rick….. 😭😭😭

  5. Significant_Loan_596

    Rick always knows when to give it to Kelly. Big shoe to fill.

  6. -Disagreeable-

    We’ll miss you Rick. Thanks for the calls. You rule.

  7. Little-Aide-5396

    Losing to Ottawa. Didn’t we lose like all 7 matchups that year?

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