@Predators de Nashville

Le « Catfish Counter » de Nashville atteint 6 dans les 4 premières minutes du match 6

Lors du dernier match à Nashville, les partisans ont conservé intacte leur tradition de lancer du poisson-chat, six poissons étant parvenus sur la glace au cours des quatre premières minutes du sixième match.


  1. I'm going to laugh when this eventually becomes a delay of game penalty or if a player trips over one of them and it's again a penalty.

  2. how is it not a delay of game penalty? just curious, 4 minutes in and 6 catfish? that's a bit much….

  3. I love the Preds fan base, 1 or 2 catfish a game has no harm. But when it gets to 6-7 it starts becoming annoying as a fan watching.

  4. You should be filming the one right before the start of the second period. THAT specimen was a real lunker.

  5. At that point you just gotta go on the PA and tell the fans that if they have anymore catfish just throw them on the ice now

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