@Ligue nationale de hockey

Bennett lui donne un coup de coude à la tête

Bennett lui donne un coup de coude à la tête



  1. Educational-Head2784

    completely different hit. but go on and cry about it.

  2. Jaxson_GalaxysPussy

    I see the Edmonton propaganda machine is finally starting to work

  3. IntrepidSwan7932

    I don’t see an elbow. I see him using his back.

  4. Tacosrule89

    He comes in high and hard, elbow is tucked on contact and comes out after.

  5. Yeah he launches himself high into the oiler. That’s how bennet plays.

  6. TheCatEmpire2

    We can play this way. We can play low scoring. We can play run and gun. What we have little patience for is bitching about how much the Panthers win. Had enough Boston and Leafs complaints to last a life time. Go cry quietly while we collect the wins.

  7. You have a valid point that it’s a dangerous hit, but calling it an elbow makes you lose credibility because you’re obviously shitposting.

  8. Somebody posted this earlier and here is my response:

    I’m a toronto fan and dislike the panthers more than the oilers.

    So here comes a fair take: Video is garbage, you can’t see much. Only « assume » he left his feet. Guy was watching the puck in front of him. Hit was lined up for chest until he watched puck. Elbow was in not out (draisatl) .

    Bennet is a dirty player (slammed knies on his head last playoffs) but this video doesn’t show much. If it wasn’t Bennett no one would say anything.

  9. Armchair-Gm-Podcast

    Dude’s a dirty player but « PlAyOfFs » so there’s no problem with totally unsafe, deliberate and wreckless plays. Total joke, like Draisaitl.

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