@Canucks de Vancouver

Scénario potentiel hors saison des Canucks

Scénario potentiel hors saison des Canucks



  1. Happy_Drafter

    Wait…so we’re re-signing Cole? Good God this is bad. You don’t even have Miller and Boeser paired on the same line.

  2. pluralsight24

    Might be the smallest forward group in the NHL. Also, not sure where you generate offense from the back end other than Hughes. Overall a much weaker line up than last year IMO

  3. That’s a lot of cap space left on the table, especially given Poolman’s LTIR

    Unless we end up using that to significantly upgrade at the deadline because we’ll need it

  4. bitter-pickles

    If Matt Roy signs for 2.25 million more than Ian Cole then he needs to fire his agent into another stratosphere. If Matt Roy signs a contract within 4 million dollars of Ian Cole then I would be stunned

  5. Aguaymanto

    Not bad but I think this team would struggle offensively

  6. Signal-Rice-13

    Why are some of you including Bains in a potential line-up? He had his chance and showed he’s not ready for the NHL.

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