@Canucks de Vancouver

The Core Five : les Canucks de Vancouver de Jim Benning

Les Canucks de Vancouver sont-ils entrés dans une nouvelle ère de succès dans la LNH ? Dans quelle mesure Jim Benning est-il à blâmer/remercier ? Dans cette vidéo, nous explorons les hauts et les bas du mandat de Jim Benning avec les Canucks de Vancouver, d’Elias Pettersson à Loui Eriksson. #nhl #canucks #hockey 00:00 Intro 01:33 Début du mandat de Benning 02:21 La reconstruction commence… En quelque sorte ? 05:14 Les années sombres (2016-2019) 06:56 JT Miller & Tyler Myers 09:13 Le verdict


  1. Benning was worst GM in the franchises history, the club will be paying for his mistakes for years to come still. Firing Benning was the best move Ive seen in 34 years of watching them

  2. The Canucks could have been more successful if he chased more actual defenders and didn't have his center men playing defense.
    The Coaches he brought in kept forcing their defenders to play as wingers….

    Then when they got rockem sockem players he traded them for a bag of marbles

    The combination of both of those left the stars vulnerable to look stupid
    Then he gave big contracts to the old folks on their way out of the league

  3. JB made it out of so many drafts like a bandit. Pety, Demko, Hughes, Boeser were all top-end players drafted by Benning. He also stole JT Miller from Tampa…

  4. Silovs-Benning
    Benning's tenure operated under a tight Aquilini and with the aid of one AGM.
    Aquilini now has spent the wad and the Canucks are paying Rutherford, GM Allvin,AGM Granato,AGM Castonguay,Tallon. and AGM Johnson. Count 'em.

  5. Giving Benning credit for building the "next canucks roster" is forgetting that every single one of his moves were in service of making the team at the time better. He moved on from anyone he hadn't obsessed over(and overpaid to sign) and "future" improvements were always more of an afterthought/happenstance with him. If he hadn't traded out as many picks as he did to get "his guys" then signed them to overpaying contracts that would be bought out or moved with other trade assets, I would be more willing to give him a pass.

    As it stands, he could be counted to rush prospects or trade them for roster players that held scant potential growth for fill in gaps, then throw what was a strength(cap space) away to sign them to bloated contracts.

    Thank you Benning for reading out names on draft day when your draft department fought you over the picks and you lost out, but I am glad you are gone.

    Just wish ownership would get out of the way and let management cook(the Benning era saw them influencing management excessively and resulted in one of the longest, poorest performing periods in team history).

  6. Very good video, I will just want point out that the Vanek was all around good move by Benning.

    1). Benning signed Vanek weeks before training camp, fairly late into free-agency for $2 million for 1 season (not over spending on UFA).
    2). Vanek came in and produced at a top-6 rate on the team and he was a good mentor for Brock Boeser in his rookie season.
    3). Benning traded him at the trade deadline in 2018 to Columbus. Yes, he did not acquire any prospects/draft picks. However, the main piece returning from this trade wasn't Jussi Jokinen (though he was actually pretty good in his short stint as a Canuck), Jokinen was just a contract/capspace coming back so Columbus has room for Vanek. The main piece of the trade was Tyler Motte. Motte became a solid bottom 6 and PK player for the Canucks over the next several seasons and he scored some big playoff goals for the Canucks in 2020 bubble playoffs. Motte was a solid pick up.

    I would say the Vanek situation from signing to trade was the best Jim Benning has done in both free-agency signing and asset management. If he was able to do this more instead of overpaying so many over the hill players in Beagle, Roussel and Eriksson etc. the Canucks would be in a lot better state.

  7. Benning never wanted a full rebuild. He kept signing or trading for NHL ready players to field competitive teams instead of striping it down and get more great young talents. He drafted well with high picks but nothing much otherwise, and he made too many the desperate moves or overpaid for veterans that set the team backwards. The OEL trade was the ultimate dagger IMO, instead of holding onto his mistakes for one last season and letting the contracts expire. The 7 years (2014-2021) felt like the dark years in the late 90s.

  8. Dont forget drafting Kole Lind instead while Jason Robertson was available

    And while Baertschi for a 2nd is already mentioned, that 2nd turned out to be Rasmus Andersson

    Imagine if Vancouver had both Forsling and Andersson in their current dcore

  9. I think you have this wrong Jim Benning isn’t responsible for the current core it was director of scouting at the time Judd Bracket who is responsible for the drafts Benning wanted Cody Glass but Judd said to take Petterson

  10. it is common knowledge within Vancouver that Benning did not want to take Petersson and wanted Cody Glass and eventually fired the chief scouting director Judd Brackett and whomever disagreed with him surrounding himself with yes men. People still dont know what John Weisbrod did during his tenure as AGM for the Canucks.

  11. Eriksson was just super bad luck. Towards the end of his prime, but was always a strong 2-way winger who has put up 30+ goals. Regularly played with the Sedins internationally, and has done well with them. Unfortunate that all 3 steeply declined. Players always get old… but they just fell off a cliff.

    OEL was good on paper. A 2-way defenseman who probably should have gotten more Norris considerations just a few seasons prior. Stuck at the backwaters of the NHL in Arizona, minimal attention and a team that's regularly struggling…. thus never got the recognition he deserved. Unfortunately, Benning picked him up after he has had a series of injuries around his foot and also his knees, some that required surgery. For joints like the knee, it may take a few years before you get back to normal. The Canucks couldn't afford that time, considering his salary, thus were forced to buy him out.

    Overall, Jim Benning wasn't as bad as many made him out to be. The first 3-4 years were somewhat of a write-off as he had an aging team with the Sedins… and you can't just tank. Just see Pittsburg now and Chicago just a few years back. When you have franchise players in the twilight of their careers, you do your best to try to make the playoffs.

  12. The Benning era was completely bonkers in that most all of his moves were either home runs or complete disasters. lol

  13. Don’t care if he created the core. His impatience, inefficient contracts, and poor trades and drafting will forever cement his legacy as a failure in Vancouver.

  14. The OEL trade was bad 'keep my job' short term move. Canucks could have rid themselves of the Ericksson, Rousell and Beagle contracts after 1 year. They also gave up a 1st who became Guenther and had to buy out OEL which will last until 2029-30.

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