@Blues de Saint-Louis

« Armstrong signe une prolongation et Steen est nommé à un nouveau poste ». Doug Armstrong reste jusqu’en 2028-29, Alexander Steen deviendra directeur général en 2026

« Armstrong signe une prolongation et Steen est nommé à un nouveau poste ». Doug Armstrong reste jusqu’en 2028-29, Alexander Steen deviendra directeur général en 2026



  1. Wow that’s fucking crazy to drop on such short notice.

    I’m stoked. I love Doug and I love Steener.

  2. Fullsend_ID10T

    I was totally not expecting this announcement im so excited for the future of the Blues.

  3. Wm_TheConqueror

    Pretty cool. Former players become good GMs all the time. But will like to see where the draft from last year goes. Will tell us a lot since he was our Swedish scout. If they end up great then that bodes well, if not, uh oh.

  4. Kinda feels like the best of all worlds. We get Steener making the decisions day to day, but still get to keep Army’s mind in the background (and more importantly prevent other teams from getting him).

  5. Bozak_Horseman

    Good! I love Army and hope Steen will get to take over as soon as our window reopens. By 26 Dvorsky, Snuggerud and maybe Lindstein and Stenberg will be here, we’ll know what we really have in Bolduc and Dean and Faulk, Krug and Schenn will be much, much easier to move if we need to. We’re on the way up and I’m happy a guy as good as Steen will be at the helm.

  6. time_to_go_mobile

    Steen certainly has shown an eye for scouting talent in his current role, and seems to be a well liked personality in the organization. Learning under BDD seems like a great way to get through the tougher retool/rebuild years we have ahead, before unleashing Steen and the youngins on the NHL in 2029.

    Wonder if Doug will move onto another team? He said in his interview he could “manage for another decade” because he loves it so much.

  7. That trade with Toronto keeps getting better. They got Stepniak, we got a great player and future GM, and THE hockey meme

  8. I hope this isn’t a John Mozeliak/Michael Girsch situation where Armstrong can’t get out of the day-to-day part of the job, and Steen will be there in title only and have no power whatsoever.

  9. First of all, I love this.

    But does it seem like Army is being kind of… forced out (albeit politely)?

    His line has been, « I love managing. I’m going to miss it. But I love the Blues more, and I want to do what’s best for them. »

    It almost seems as if ownership said, « Look, we can fire you, or you can retire with dignity. Choose. »

    And I’m not taking a side on that position; it just seems to me that that’s what’s going on.

    Anyone else get the same feeling? Or am I just completely off?

  10. GrowMOhydro

    Alex Steen is my all time favorite hockey player… there it is, I said it.

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