@Rangers de New York

Larry Brooks (@NYP_Brooksie) sur X | Les Rangers ont accepté des conditions avec Kakko pour un montant de 2,4 millions de dollars sur un an, a appris Post. Excellente affaire.

Larry Brooks (@NYP_Brooksie) sur X | Les Rangers ont accepté des conditions avec Kakko pour un montant de 2,4 millions de dollars sur un an, a appris Post. Excellente affaire.



  1. Sharkbait41

    I don’t hate that. He seems to be slotting into the 3rd line nicely. Prove it this year or walk next. Win win for everyone

  2. _Noah93

    Wish it was two years just incase he does breakout

  3. jeffschiller

    Let the off-season moves commence!

  4. Solid price for the 3rd line defensive forward he’s turned into

  5. Cute-Escape2751

    They could still trade him this summer right?

  6. wossquee

    Wooo actual news from the actual GM on this sub (instead of the armchair ones)

  7. InevitableHome343

    He’s still potentially a trade chip. But kakko can have a « prove it » year and make a bigger bag rather than a bridge deal

  8. the_mair

    I hope this is with the intent to keep him and not sign him to trade him

  9. Best case scenario. Leaves the financial doors open for Laf and Shesty end of next year to make sure we can afford to keep them.

  10. WorkoutMan885


    Love Druy’s commitment to KK. Fast signing too.

    Make it or break it for the kid, i think he makes it!

  11. labinnac_esproc_02

    Alright. This is it, kid! Kick some ass. (Please)

  12. Formisonic

    Fucking dope!

    He had a decidedly bad season, so a “run it back” 1 year deal suits both sides. HUGE relief!

  13. rvbcaboose1018

    2.4 for a 3rd line winger who at best is putting up 40 points. I guess it’s not terrible but I don’t love it. I’d rather trade him and see what Othmann can do.

  14. NeilHamburgerHead

    I love it. Hope he turns it on like Laffy next year.

  15. pierogi-daddy

    Nice maybe we can do a little better than 100k/point this year

    Stupid signing. This team is really going to go into the regular season for the 4th year in a row with hot dog shit in the other top 6 rw spot. 

    Because the team is coughing up almost $6m between goodrow and kakko to get 20 points each. And has to reserve money for miller, LAF, and shesty

    The awful buch trade is gonna haunt this team for a long time 

  16. jaypeedee1025

    He seems well liked in the locker room he’s only 23 I think that injured did him no favors he don’t complain about his roll and if he dint wanna be here I doubt he would have signed so quick

  17. jahauser

    I like it. It’s the right price for a 3rd liner who is still young enough to get better. I think if he doesn’t progress this is a fine deal, if he does break out I don’t know that the next deal would be astronomical given he has overall disappointed in his career thus far.

  18. Stig12Cz

    so this is Drury saying you have last chance. KK is great in holding on puck but he must show more at play making. Like win or defend puck at boards and than sand pass right to goal shot. I hope he will break through even if it will be on cost of cap dilema in future

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