@Ligue nationale de hockey

J’aimerais vraiment que la ligue commercialise mieux

Je suis d’accord avec le commentateur de la photo n°2.

Je comprends la nécessité de "développer le jeu" mais…

Je pense juste que pour développer le jeu peut-être en utilisant un mouvement évident "Ventilateurs" (qui ne sont pas là pour vraiment regarder/apprécier le jeu joué et sont là pour être vus) qui l’appellent évidemment ce n’est peut-être pas le meilleur look.

Ou… à tout le moins…

Peut-être les meilleures places de la maison (pendant le putain de FINALE DE LA COUPE STANLEY néanmoins) devrait revenir à des gens qui ont attendu toute leur vie pour voir de près un moment comme celui-ci (même si la Floride était encore en finale l’année dernière).

BTW, je fais pression pour que les Panthers le gagnent (pour en faire 31 dans l’année de McSorely).



  1. boverton24

    I think people need to find hobbies or something. Can’t imagine being this angry about DJ khaled going to a hockey game

  2. EweCantTouchThis

    Dude who cares. Let people spend their money however they want and stop trying to gatekeep shit.

  3. JiveChicken00

    So what? He’s interested now, and his interest might drive the interest of others. That’s how you grow awareness.

  4. hrryyss

    Is this a real post? You’re mad that DJ Khaled went to a hockey game?

  5. MobysBanned

    Yeah that’s 90% of Panthers fans anyway, not much u can do about it

  6. New_girl2022

    Kinda stupid take. Every sport has bandwagon fans. Literally all of them

  7. 54fighting

    They’ve tried with some limited degree of success. Their ad campaigns have been excellent. They’ve expanded into warm weather states. At the end of the day, it’s a cold weather, niche sport in the US. If kids aren’t playing it, there’s only so much the league can do.

  8. evil_caveman

    So, because it’s his first hockey game, he can’t watch it in person? This is such a weird take.

  9. Informal_Abies_9310

    So dumb, Why hate? He didn’t pay a dollar for these seats. He worked for the Panthers pre-game out front pumping up the crowd. He got paid to do that. The house, being the Panthers ownership, always keeps seats for special guests. Those seats would have been filled by the owner’s friends or family. Instead they gave it to influential people who if they enjoy the experience help grow the game.

    What an idiot post.

  10. Elm0musk

    The real question we need answers to is did he have a pillow for his shoes?

  11. Lets be real, he could care less, those tix were comp’ed for the pre game performance.

  12. DenisNectar

    Did he get his fat ass hauled by his bodyguards because of his shoes? Lmao.

  13. trashking11

    How are we supposed to grow the game if we shit on new fans who attend a game? How is it a bad thing that a guy like DJ Khalid shows interest in hockey? This is the gatekeepy type shit that is wrong with the hockey community.

  14. English_Cob

    Joe’s just salty he can’t afford regular season tickets 

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