@Rangers de New York


La Floride était tout simplement la meilleure équipe. Nous sommes à quelques morceaux. Tout le monde s’éloigne du rebord.



  1. Vaeltaja82

    eh idk. I am watching the game now and Florida defence looks totally different against Edmonton.
    Edmonton actually can enter the zone and rush the net. We had difficulties to even reach the blue line.

    Sure then there is Bobrovski, he is excellent. Could have been 2 goals to Edmonton by now if there was some average goalie (which probably isn’t the case when playing for the cup)

  2. TeamNecessary2616

    Sounds like copium for what was a dog shit effort

  3. chronicbruce27

    My guy, we should want to be like the Panthers. We should want to be the team that does this.

  4. NoReplacement9001

    This fucking complacency from all of you here! This has to be 100th post or comment with the same sentiment.

    Bro, let me ask you something, are the Panthers going away? Is their system just going to change?

    Why the fuck do we see other teams falter and say “oh look, they’re sucking too”.

    Are we just going to be second best to the Panthers for the next few years because of this bullshit attitude.

    What the fuck, man. WE NEED TO THINK ABOUT WAYS TO GET BETTER. Not focus on how other teams are getting buried by the Panthers.

    And, by the way, we did not outshoot them. The Oilers are.

  5. FoxMan1Dva3

    We were consistently outshot by Carolina.

    No shocker Florida did the same.

    Zibanajed and Kreider didn’t do much on EVS either.

    5v5 is very important guys. But stop acting like this is the only team that was better than us on 5V5. We were mid table and it needs improvement.

    Also, last game Edmonton got out shot. So good for Florida but I wanna be Florida.

  6. StrikerBall1945

    Nope. Wrong. Its all over. The window is closed forever and a day. We’ll never be this good in three lifetimes. Rangers are garbage and we should blow up the team. PK and Biz were right that the Rangers were garbage. Send Igor to wherever for a 5th round draft pick. Tell Mika and Bread theyre worthless and the worst decisions ever made in the history of the franchise; we’ll send them packing while retaining 50% on each. Send Trouba away with a buyout. Hire ninja’s to kidnap Kaapo Kakko. Retire Krieders jersey in a pile of broken dreams. Sell Fox and Lindgren to the glue factory. Throw Laviolette into the sun and beg Kris Knoblauch to abandon Edmonton and come back. Tell Dolan to sell MSG and move it to Hartford, CT. These are all things I would say if I was this sub nowadays. Panthers were that good. They are that good. They’ll probably win the cup. Good for them. I had a blast watching some of the best Rangers hockey in a decade. I am stoked for the off season and cant wait to see what we do next year. Maybe we’ll be like the Caps when they won the Presidents Trophy but won the Cup the year after!

  7. InevitableHome343

    Both things can be true

    Panthers are an amazing team who deserved to win…. But mika’s effort in the whole Panthers series was abysmal at BEST. When kakko was a bigger presence than Mika, you have a big fucking problem.

  8. Floridas gm maybe the best GM in all of sports:

    1. He stole Tkachuk from Calgary (Calgary GM fired shortly after)

    2. He stole Reinhart from Buffalo (even more of a heist)

    3. He somehow got Forsling off waivers

  9. NeilHamburgerHead

    Yes let’s relax because our team has no chance against the other team

    Fuck it lets not even play the games

  10. Yea there always seems to be a new team better than us each year

  11. labinnac_esproc_02

    This horse has been beaten to shit. What do all of these players have in common ??

    They’re all allergic to the middle of the ice and rather play safe on the perimeter.

    Also enough of this 5 on 5 shit. 10-16-13 had the MOST 5 on 5 POINTS IN THE NHL

    If was what, 12-10 5 on 5 goals in Carolina series?? Wow they killed us my god. Jesus Christ.

  12. RhythmTimeDivision

    Anyone else bored as fuck by the Cup Finals?

  13. Both things can be true. Florida is absolutely dominant in the playoffs this year. There is no questioning, debating or arguing that in the slightest.

    But our stars also disappeared last year against the DEVILS, a notoriously soft team in round one, and Tampa the year before in the ECF. “Florida is just that good bro” is not a justification for 3 years of the same thing.

    I’m also not one of those “BLOW UP THE WHOLE CORE AND START OVER” people. I think we need to make some creative lineup changes, get a solid 1RW, and Lav needs to pull out his inner Mike Keenan and bench the stars if they aren’t putting in the effort. He famously benched Leetch in 94 and look what happened there.

  14. GreatPeach3571


    So what’s the excuse for the other years our top guys disappeared

  15. cha-cha_dancer

    Yup though we were also hurt. But yea that’s a unit down there in Bro-Co

  16. EliManningsPetDog

    What do you mean relax? “Relax guys we’ll get ‘em next time!”

    The season is literally over lol

  17. Stonewall30NY

    Sure if it was the first time. Mika has been shit down by multiple playoff teams and it’s not just lack of production but the way he looks on the ice. Watching him is pathetic, he’s coasting around like a preseason game in a playoff game with an empty net. The guys offensive production is a 1 trick pony of setting up in ovechkins office on the PP which works in the regular season, but not in the playoffs when teams all out game plan for you

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