@Coyotes de l'Arizona

Alex Meruelo fait face à une bataille difficile avec les enchères foncières imminentes

La vente aux enchères du terrain approche et le propriétaire des Coyotes de l’Arizona, Alex Meruelo, fait face à une bataille difficile. Plus tôt cette semaine, l’ancien consultant de l’AJLNH, Richard Rodier, a tweeté que l’enchère du 27 juin comptait quatre enchérisseurs enregistrés, dont Meruelo. Craig et Leah discutent des obstacles auxquels Meruelo est confronté. #arizonacoyotes #nhl ABONNEZ-VOUS : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKaPEqS_Mc6eGNNBQN1QgQw Site Web : http://gophnx.com/ Casier PHNX : PHNXLocker.com Twitter social : @PHNX_Sports Instagram : @PHNX_Sports


  1. If there are 3 other bidders then who are they? Anybody can register for the auction but until they put down a deposit AND the state reveals the bidders by name then this story is hogwash.

  2. Phoenix as a community just does not have the enthusiasm for hockey. As tight-fisted as Mereulo, I don't see him paying more than $100 million for that land. He will lose the auction but then will come up with another statement that he has other options he's working on. He's all talk, but no action. He's cheap, he wants everything at rock-bottom prices. He would not be a sports team owner who would put a good product on the ice. He carries that way, that's who he is.

  3. And now mass office staff layoffs. As gawdawful as the Meruelos have been at pretty much everything, I'm a little shocked that the 'severance package' wasn't 10% off coupons for Junior's Streetwear.

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