@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Tu ne tiendrais pas une heure dans l’asile où ils m’ont élevé

Tu ne tiendrais pas une heure dans l’asile où ils m’ont élevé



  1. jehumphr07

    To be fair – we also only play one series per season against an Atlantic team.

  2. unfortunately the oilers have played the same amount of series against Atlantic Division teams we have

  3. I was thinking something similar. The Atlantic division is just so tough. We’ve always had to play one of the best teams in the league in the first round. Doesn’t excuse the times we played against Columbus or the Habs mind you… Ultimately, I’m not going to be satisfied until we’ve won the cup anyway.

    What I will say though, is that watching the Panthers in the finals has reinforced just how far above us they are right now. They’re a very balanced team. We need that, if we’re going to move past them.

    As much as Edmonton is struggling, this was us last year in round 2. This would have been us in round 2 this year too.

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