@Canucks de Vancouver

Patrick Johnston sur les Canucks déplaçant Mikheyev, Zadorov marchant, échangeant Hronek et acquérant Laine

Patrick Johnston de The Province s’arrête et donne ses dernières réflexions sur le plan hors-saison des Canucks, qui, selon lui, pourrait encore inclure un échange avec Flip Hronek. PJ intervient également dans le débat de la semaine : « Les Canucks devraient-ils rechercher un agent libre haut de gamme, ou simplement obtenir plus de talents d’agent libre du milieu du vivier de talents ? Présenté par @sleepdouglas (https://lnk.to/DouglasCASP) https://twitter.com/sekeresandprice https://www.facebook.com/SekeresandPrice https://www.tiktok.com/@sekeresandprice https:/ /www.youtube.com/sekeresprice https://www.instagram.com/sekeresandprice 📧 live@sekeresandprice.com 📲 778-402-9680 https://www.sekeresandprice.com/ https://www.rinkwidevancouver.com #Canucks #VancouverCanucks #LNH #Hockey


  1. Trade Hronek…keep Big Z & no to Laine.

    Laine is like a Petterson, can't make plays or drive to net, just a sniper. We have one of those. As for Big Z, I 've never yelled at him while watching him play. Fck Ian Cole, fck the chaotic giraffe & sometimes Fck Hronek, therefore trade Hronek cuz we can't afford what he's asking!

  2. Just trade everyone. Petey should be the first to go. This team sucks and we need to rebuild. We have no cap room to sign players so the best course of option is to get rid of everyone and start over.

  3. I really hope we don't look into Laine because I just see him as another PLD, yes he has talent but he comes with too many problems to make it worth it. Once he has any sort of problem with the team he whines to get out. So yeah I hope Canucks don't try and get him because he just seems to me the kind of guy who does not put the team first before himself.

  4. Looks like the Canucks want to add skill while sacrificing all the grit and toughness. That’s bad news. I can see them getting pummeled in the playoffs.

  5. The Canucks have a tonne of cap space. They daily worry about losing Joshua, Zadorov, Lindholm, and Hronek is a bit silly. They can easily keep two or three if they want. Maybe they dump Mikheyev, and signed three of those guys AND Geuntzel. PJ is a downer. This off season could be great. Stop worrying about losing 5th dmen and 4th liners, and the farm system. The time is now!

  6. We had the success we had last year from big d men and pretty good depth upfront. I think we didn't look good in the playoffs but found a way. If we are planning on more success than we had in the playoffs i think it really comes down to controlling the puck and winning battles. We need to add a few players that are going to be able to do that on the top lines specifically

  7. Even Blake Price knows Matt Sekeres on some sort of medication that’s not working. No sir you were not ever going to be GM, stick to your day job. 🤦🏻‍♂️ (Podz no, Marnoooook ye$)

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