@Lightning de Tampa Bay

La Floride est un État de hockey.

La Floride est un État de hockey.



  1. Rainforest Cafe out here catching strays. Eddy Burback wouldn’t stand for this slander.

  2. Large_Seesaw_569

    1 win away from the first stanley cup parade in an outlet mall parking lot

  3. These “[state] is a hockey state posts” are just as funny to me as watching the benches during the singing of national anthems. The teams are comprised of mostly international athletes on contract to play in said state. So yeah, Florida is a (place where international players sign and/or get traded via multimillion contracts to live and play in humid 100 degree weather) hockey state.

  4. CashComprehensive423

    Not too crushed.
    Most Canadians realize TB, FLO and EDM are mostly Canadian born players.
    Many US players also played minor hockey in Canada.

  5. SignificanceTimely20

    Go to Miami and tell me how many Panthers fans you see?

    Florida is NOT a hockey state. TAMPA is a hockey AREA.

  6. Kitalahara

    That was pretty sstisfying to watch. They are playing so well. Now hopefully they keep the proper boat parade after they win going.

  7. LuciusBaggins

    As an Oilers fan I just have to say Lightning fans are fucking beauties and I’m sorry that we’re not gonna keep the rats cupless.
    PS, thanks for 04 💙

  8. burghblast

    Ironically, Miami/Ft. Lauderdale is the only area of the state without solid youth hockey programs. Teams from Jacksonvillle, Tampa, and Ft. Myers routinely dominate state travel tourneys. Miami/Ft. Lauderale has several rinks and teams but they’re rarely strong, presumably because all the pastalitos, croqetas, and plantains are slowing them down.

  9. KamikazeeDolphin

    I’m just a casual observer here, but why should we care about this? Being labeled a « hockey » state. Florida has 2 amazing teams that have great fanbases. Did someone once say that this isn’t a hockey state? Because if they did, who cares about their silly opinion.

  10. NonchalantGhoul

    I’m always in for Floridian supremacy when it comes to sports, as a leverage to mock others it’s great

  11. Flo is not a hockey state just because they have hockey teams.

    Go Gators

  12. Karmasbelly

    I don’t think you guys understand the hate some Canadians have for Edmonton.

  13. Informal-Discount-98

    Please tell us….how many players on the team are Canadian? …

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