@Red Wings de Détroit

Un voyage à travers ma collection de maillots des Red Wings de Détroit

Merci d’avoir consulté ma chaîne Friendo ! Aimez, commentez et abonnez-vous Achetez le t-shirt The Space Enforcer – https://teespring.com/new-space-enforcer?tsmac=store&tsmic=friendomerchclub&pid=46&cid=2742 Découvrez ma boutique Ebay – https://www.ebay. com/usr/stevi_bradl Suivez-moi sur Twitter – https://twitter.com/EnforcerStevieB


  1. I never thought u was a Red Wings fan when u said it in the last video when u was unboxing the Sharks reverse retro jersey since u had that black Red Wings jersey with your name and number I have always thought the Red Wings should have a black jersey

  2. That Fedorov in Russian is cool! Love those SS jerseys, if I had the money I would get one in an authentic but they are just a tad too expensive for myself. I also agree with you on the CC and the WC, those are my favourite wings jerseys. Just so beautiful

  3. That winter classic and centennial jersey’s are my favorite Wings jerseys. I also love their regular white jersey. I thought for sure we were going to get a white or a cream color version of that winter classic, but mixed in with it the chrome from the centennial for the Reverse Retro..can’t believe they blew it big time on the reverse retro!!

  4. Hell a red version of the silver winged wheel with white stripes and the silver stripe that would have been a sweet reverse retro which then I would have definitely wanted

  5. Beautiful Red Wings collection! Their jerseys have always been near the top of the league. I agree that they should have stepped a little bit further out of their comfort zone with the RR, just about anything but what they did would have resulted in a more interesting jersey.

    I only have two Detroit jerseys, both the red one. The older one is a blank one from the 90s, but I'm not sure by which manufacturer since the tags have been worn off (the bottom hem tag was a silkscreen, so it just left a slightly light-brownish mark). It's an oddly shaped jersey, it's almost wider than it is long, so it looks like it's a few numbers too big on me widthwise it hovers just below my bellybutton lengthwise 😂 The second one is a Reebok replica one with Datsyuk on the back, which fits like a dream.

    I' a Penguins fan first and foremost, and I have I think 18 Pens jerseys, 17 if you don't take into account the counterfeit one which I won at an online auction (I'd not taken part in it had i known it was a counterfeit, but it was only just over 20 bucks so no harm done).
    My first one was a dark Robopenguin which I bought as a kid back in the late 90s. I have two more of those (different sizes as I grew up). I have all of the jerseys since the Robopenguin days, save for the black Diagonal jersey, the vegas gold CCM jerseys, and the current home/away (in Adidas, that is). I also don't have the last home/away set in Reebok, but I do have the 2014 alternate jersey which would then become the home. I don't know why I wrote all of this, guess i haven't talked about jerseys in a while 😂

  6. Let's go Red Wings! Great collection. Only wings jersey own is the camouflage one sadly. I need the reverse retro one even though I don't love it I need it. My first ever jersey was Fedorov away red but I lost it years ago. Bought it in 98 I think the year when Carolina was trying to poach him I was like no I just got his jersey 😆
    Edit. That Michigan flag idea in yours is awesome I'm stealing that idea if I can find that velcro patch

  7. Love that 2014 Winter Classic jersey & the Centennial jersey – I REALLY wish I had them in my collection……probably said this before if they had done a white version of the 2014 WC jersey as their Reverse Retro, I guarantee that jersey would have sold out in MINUTES!!!

  8. Awesome Wings collection Stevie! It would be cool to see the whole jersey collection ranked, like The Hockey Guy’s jersey countdown videos.

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