@Canucks de Vancouver

Examen des nouveaux maillots des Canucks (Vancouver Canucks New Jerseys – 50e anniversaire) – Nouvelles de la LNH

Ils sont là! Les nouveaux maillots des Canucks de Vancouver sont dans le bâtiment et ont l’air plutôt élégants. Découvrez-les seuls et sur Elias Pettersson ! Échanges de maillots S7 (Suivez-le) : https://twitter.com/S7Dsn/status/1133638215146004481 Twitter : @LR99Gaming Portfolio : http://giopalermo.ca/ Twitch : legorocks99 Salut. Je m’appelle Gio Palermo, également connu sous le nom de legorocks99Gaming (« legorocks99 », « LR99Gaming » ou « LR99 »). Je publie sur YouTube des commentaires de jeux vidéo portant sur des sujets liés au hockey et aux Canucks de Vancouver. J’aime faire ces vidéos et j’espère que vous apprécierez les regarder ! Je suis également étudiant au programme BCIT Radio Arts & Entertainment, et cette chaîne YouTube est un élément essentiel de mon portfolio radio BCIT 2019.


  1. I love these jerseys! very different, and honestly with the stick and rink I was hoping for a black & green one, like the San Jose stealth jerseys I’m in love all in all<3

  2. Should've made the skate jerseys the main uniforms and bring back red blue Orca jersey as the alternates.

  3. I wouldnt say i like or dislike them. It just seems a bit lackluster and lazy for something as big as a 50th anniversary. Something a little more distinct for this year would of better, imo anyways.

  4. I kinda wanna see a colour swap and see how it looks. Black, yellow, red on our modern jerseys and green blue white on the retro jerseys. Idk just a fun idea to see how it goes.

  5. Haters will never be satisfied. Fans screamed for the removal of the wordmark and now complain the orca looks to small. I love all 4 TBH. The stink in rink I think will end up growing on the fans.

  6. i love the skate jersey and the stick one, I hope they go to them for their primary jerseys

  7. i like the canucks new home and away jerseys but i with they kept the vancouver word around the orca

  8. Gotta say they look kinda plain without the "VANCOUVER" on the top and the stick and rink one is awful. The skate jersey looks great though

  9. I've seen plenty of people who like them, though, too. Let's just face the fact that some Canucks fans are impossible to please when it comes to jerseys. This ensemble encompasses virtually every era to some degree (maybe minus the Flying V).

    My only grip is them using a white Stick-In-Rink shoulder patch on the white roads (I think an inverted blue one would feel less washed out), and probably could've add a white stripe to the new alternates for better contrast between the blue & green.

    But overall, I score the new jerseys 8/10.

  10. Not that they are horrible, but for me a huge wasted opportunity to reinvent the brand and move away from a poorly conceived corporate logo failure.

  11. I didnt like the new stick and rink jersey at first but I think the full uniform on the ice will look so clean. its a nice change up

  12. Thank the lord the word "Vancouver" is gone Yay! I am a big fan of all 4… just "keeping it simple " …hmmm that sounds like a rule lol …I also like the Alternate one …for the same reason you do ..its differant and it's new…could have used some white stripes in there though 🤔

  13. They all look awesome, wasn't a fan of the Vancouver word mark. I especially like the new stick in rink logo, feels fresh but still classic at the same time.

  14. Since stuff like this happens all the time. We will either have a season like the Ducks this year and pull out a huge playoff run. I like the playoff run idea personally tho.

  15. The sad thing is that "the whale " has nothing to do with the Canucks. The whale is the orca bay sports and entertainment logo. I wish they'd bring back johny canuck

  16. Not crazy about the neckline on the black spaghetti jersey. I wish they had made the neck line a tie-down. Getting rid of the wordmark over the Orca was long overdue…that always kept me from buying that particular jersey. Now that they've gotten rid of it, I may end up buying one. The more modern version of stick in rink never appealed to me. I prefer the old version. Overall, they did a good job with the new designs but a few tweaks here and there were inevitable.

  17. Another note on the original throwback is that the numbers are perforated to resemble rain. Reminds me of the Islanders trying to make their numbers ripple like they were underwater.

  18. Well we are all human and entitled to an opinion and reading all the comments below we all have different ones. I am a long time 11 game ice pack holder of the team(1997-currently) The team should have seriously considered scrapping the DORCA BAY corporate constipated looking whale and have gone with a Johnny Canuck logo all together. Reminds us long time fans of a failed prior regime with Messier, blowing the chance to have had Gretzky come centre Bure and Mogilny, etc. And/or have even done a Johnny Canuck logo third jersey as an alternate. The team colors are fine and represent the west coast and are similar to the Seahawks colors. Here they have a perfect opportunity to make a big splash in the water having the draft being held her watched buy millions and viewed to a sold out arena( I am going to watch draft live) draft the newest player 10th overall, and put a new Johnny Canuck logo jersey on him. It's called MARKETING! Hope the Canuck higher ups are reading the comments! I have travelled to other US cities to watch the Canucks play(Vegas, Arizona, Denver) and have worn my Johnny Canuck jersey proudly. I have had so many fellow stranger hockey fans come up to me(especially in Las Vegas) asking me about the logo, etc. They had never seen it and rewally like it. They have even told me why don't the Canucks put it on a jersey and that they'd even buy one if team ever did. Aquaman has a hard on for the whale logo for some strange reason. The team is named after Johnny Canuck a lumberjack. I as a long time ticket holder am really disappointed they didn't consider Johnny Canuck as a primary or alternate third jersey. All the polls done out there buy TSN or whomever when being asked buy Canuck fans as to what they like to see have come back pretty much half of respondents saying Johnny Canuck, I rest my case!

  19. I honestly didn't mind the Vancouver on the jersey. I didn't even notice its gone until you pointed it out. That being said I do like the change

  20. With the exception of the '94 Skate, the Aquilinis have butchered the Canucks brand. The constipated and corporate Orca has long overstayed its welcome and the bastardized Stick in Rink looks terrible along with the green stripes touching the blue. It's the 50th anniversary of Canada's 3rd oldest NHL franchise and the right thing to do was go back to the classic 1970 Stick in Rink uniforms with the addition of Johnny Canuck on the shoulders or have Johnny Canuck as the new primary logo.
    It's Vancouver Canucks, not Vancouver Orcas.

  21. Yeah I’m quite glad to see the Vancouver wordmark go. It really gives the jerseys an overall cleaner feel. I also really like the white stick-in-rink logo. I do agree with you, however, that the green stripes on the alternates look a little weird. If there was a white stripe thrown in there, kinda like what they had in the early 70s, it would probably look a little cooler.

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