@Flames de Calgary

Je dois le voir : Kesler marque la rondelle après le dernier klaxon, les Flames n’en sont pas contents

Les Flames de Calgary n’étaient pas contents lorsque Ryan Kelser a lancé la rondelle dans leur filet après la fin du match et ont décidé de se venger.


  1. A little over a year later, Wideman will never play professional hockey again 👍🏻

  2. maybe I can understand if the goalie was in net but empty one second and fonal horn?? common Calgary don't be a bunch of %#@*

  3. Wtf it's not the end of the world… And gratz toGetzlaf who came flying to help his teammates, true captain !

  4. love Getzlafs reation lol. don't blame the Flames for taking issue but also don't have an issue with what Kesler did. I could understand people getting mad if he shot at the goalie after the whistle but an empty net?? really people?? that'd be like getting mad at a NBA player for shooting after the whistle is blown, and the announcer said he shot "well after the horn blew" lol yeah cause half a second is soooo long

  5. They should have let them beat him into unconsciousness, that would teach him not to break a Sacred hockey rule.

  6. Disrespecting or not, but hitting someone who is held by 2 other guys is way higher on list of "HOLY UNWRITTEN LIST OF ''NO NO' IN HOCKEY"

  7. All these unwritten rules are stupid and just give fans excuses to call other teams unclassy or dirty. What Kes did was harmless. He didn't shoot the puck at anyone, he just did what most guys would. The way the flames reacted by ganging up on him was more dirty. Kesler is more likely to sustain an injury there than any Calgary players did from him shooting the puck in an empty net after the horn sounded. Just because a guy hurts your feelings doesn't mean you can intentionally try to cause injury. Oh, and if you don't think the Flames were trying to cause injury, please tell me what else they could be intending. You don't go 3-on-1 without intent to injure.

    Calm down Calgary. Maybe this upcoming season you will finally win in Anaheim again. You can do it if you really try.

  8. This is fine. In the NBA, the players shoot the ball at the basket after the buzzer all the time and no one gets angry.

  9. Lol, he should've taken a ride on his stick Tiger Williams style past their bench.

  10. anyone notice how long it took any ducks to help kesler? lol.. and even then it was only one really.

  11. Unsportsmanlike and unnecessary by Kesler.
    Crybaby overreaction by butt-hurt Brodie.
    Complete classlessness by Wideman and Ferland jumping in.

  12. "There's no reason he needs to do that." And he's referring to a harmless empty net goal and not the stupid Flames players.

  13. The game was over, why did they care if kessler shot it into the net or not? Doesn't that show that the players who attacked Kesler are pretty sensitive and don't have thick skin if they got offended over that? Again, the game was over and Kesler's shot didn't count, he didn't hurt anyone, people need to chill.

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