@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Marner est-il probablement de retour avec les Maple Leafs la saison prochaine ? + Ehlers pour Necas ?

Chris Johnson partage ce qu’il a entendu sur les fronts de Necas et d’Ehlers, puis explique pourquoi il pense que c’est une possibilité réelle que nous voyions Mitch Marner dans l’uniforme des Maple Leafs de Toronto la saison prochaine. Pour les demandes de renseignements générales, envoyez un courriel : info@sdpn.ca Contactez https://www.sdpn.ca/sales pour entrer en contact avec notre équipe de vente et discuter de l’opportunité d’intégrer votre marque dans notre contenu !


  1. The level of empathy and understanding displayed here is inspiring. It's like being wrapped in a blanket of sisterhood.👄

  2. Of course he will be back. Nobody is trading a 100 point player from a position of weakness when their new coach hasn't even had a chance to work with him yet.

    Marner was a 0.91 PPG playoff player before the media made him the fall guy for this season.

  3. Marner is not going anywhere. Too drastic a step. They want that ace up their sleeve to use as a possible excuse for next year. In fact they most likely re-sign him if he has a hot start to the season much like the overpay for Nylander.

    Lose in 2023-get rid of general manager so that should be enough change to placate the fans (even then Dubas forced his way out rather than getting canned). Lose in 2024-get rid of coach so that should be enough change to placate the fans. Lose in 2025-Tavares contract has expired (and it gives an excuse to re-sign Marner) and that should be enough change to placate the fans. Rinse and repeat

  4. I’m a hardcore leafs fan. If they run this core 4 back again, that’ll be the final straw for me paying close attention to the team. I will still cheer for them but I can’t do another year of getting this invested in these guys

  5. I rolled my eyes so hard when CJ said Mitch will probably be back….what part or perpetual loosing does the organization not understand? There needs to be a change. It has to be big and rock the foundations. What they currently have ISNT WORKING

  6. this has nothing to do with Marner not being a great player. you can't have a team of 3 to 4 forwards making this money. you need a number 1 d need a number 1 goalie, and depth. The leafs keep hoping their make up will work. it won't

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