@Blue Jackets de Columbus

[Elliotte Friedman] Il semblerait que Columbus fasse un changement d’entraîneur. Ressentez Pascal Vincent, tombé dans une situation très, très difficile

[Elliotte Friedman] Il semblerait que Columbus fasse un changement d’entraîneur. Ressentez Pascal Vincent, tombé dans une situation très, très difficile



  1. SomeKindOfMonster

    holy shit, it’s actually happening.

    wonder why it took this long?

    I also wonder if this has anything to do with the recent Laine report.

    edit: alright I understand why now thank you for the explanations

  2. Civil_Eng_PE

    Well. This is the full reset we needed. Feel horribly for Pascal and I hope he gets another shot elsewhere

  3. steckums

    I was fine with giving him another year until he called the Russian line « Globetrotters » and made them tone it down. In a lost season like this one, you let your young players see what they can get away with.

    Wonder who we’ll get instead.

  4. CrazyLegLaFleur1

    Thank goodness. I was not looking forward to another season of him as coach. He definitely was dropped into a rough spot, but he also wasnt very good. Looking forward to seeing who Waddell chooses.

  5. DrJownes

    Surely McCarthy and Recchi also gone , please

  6. ohst8buxcp7

    Had to do it. Right move for the club. PV will land on his feet.

  7. JunesDepartmentStore

    Personally I would’ve given him at least the start of the year, he was thrown into the fire because of Babcock and he has a proven track record in the minors and AHL

    But if Waddell thinks that we need a new voice in the room and believes Pascal isn’t the right coach to build and develop the kind of on ice performance he wants, then I’m behind it

  8. bucknuts34

    It’s the right move. I understand how bad of a spot he was put in but this organization needs a clean reset. Hopefully he’ll get another chance elsewhere.

  9. Green9510

    Yeah considering we haven’t had any news of a vote of confidence from the Pascal front for well over a week not shocked at all.

  10. KaleidoscopeTop9696

    This season doesn’t define how Pascal is as a coach. I think he can be a very good NHL coach but just wasn’t the right coach at the right time here.

  11. bclautz

    Feel like this is the right decision. I think if they keep Pascal he would be a lame duck. Feel like if they struggled he would be let go fast.

  12. TheSmokedSalmon420

    What a disaster last offseason was. Literally sent us into a full rebuild because they fucked up the Babcock thing so horribly. Wow.

  13. ddottay


    Sorry Pascal, I know it wasn’t an easy jump but too many players were publicly mad at you to keep you around. Good luck elsewhere.

  14. sergei-boobtitsky

    We keep doing smart things, it’s making me feel weird

  15. hnglmkrnglbrry

    I’ve been beating this drum for months. Seems like a nice guy but also seemed like he was completely in over his head. There was literally nothing he could point to throughout the season to support him keeping his job. No one wants to hear excuses about how the year started and he had 82 games to figure it out.

  16. EverlastingEvening

    Feel so bad for PV that he was forced and had to deal with the outcome of Babcock shitstorm. Hopefully we see him behind another bench soon.


    In a shocking turn of events, /r/hockey doesn’t know what they’re talking about with this move.

  18. crustybeamer

    Would anyone hate to see Vogelburger as the next HC?

  19. Hazy_eyePA

    David Carle get ready to learn Columbusese, buddy.

  20. borishasarrived

    Now all we need is a jersey/logo rebrand and we are good to go

  21. P-Rickles

    I mean, he got fuuuucked as far as set up was concerned. Basically destined to fail. Would’ve taken a miracle to make anything but a shit sandwich after they handed him two slices of bread and a pile of turds. Still, this is the right move.

  22. Striking-Yellow9252

    The last three HCs have lasted 82 games on average. That is… bad.

  23. mickeyhause

    Genuinely surprised. Did not think this was the move that would be made, no matter how necessary

  24. Hazy_eyePA

    John Tortorella, Brad Larsen, Mike Babcock, Pascal Vincent, Coach TBD.

    That is 5 coaches in 3 years and 1 month. This fan base has been through so much bullshit for years and years with this team.

    Please hockey gods, let us get this decision right so we can have a coach to build with. Please 🙏

  25. Three head coaches in three years is pretty unbelievable. At the end of the day it falls on previous leadership and hopefully it’s onward and upward from here.

    Edit: It’s actually going to be four (technically). Holy shit lol

  26. ShartRat

    Pascal was a very bad fit for us but I really do feel for him and he definitely deserves another chance somewhere else. His systems weren’t built for our current roster and it doesn’t help that he was thrown to the wolves with the whole Babcock nightmare. He seems like a really intelligent person and he will definitely be on another coaching staff sometime in the future.

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