@Kraken de Seattle


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  1. It was Vincent's fault in that he signed on. If a person climbs aboard the Titanic after it hits the iceberg, is it the person's fault if he does not survive? It's arguably the worst franchise out of the four major North American leagues. We'll see how the new president and general manager does, Don Waddell. I think he is in for a rude awakening.

  2. When he healthy scratched Kent Johnson and sent down David Jiricek multiple times. And once just after he just closed on and apartment in Columbus. the writing was on the wall.

  3. I will admit, the position PV was put in wasn’t ideal. That said, I do think this move was necessary. CBJ currently lacks an identity. Now that there’s a new GM, it’s his job to form that identity. Step one is usually the coach. For me, PV had not grit. Nothing to fire players up. No leadership qualities to make the players buy in. His systems were weak. And there was always drama with him constantly sending players up and down. Constantly changing lines. Issues with players. Etc. now that PV is gone, it’s time to ship the rest of the drama Queens out. I know Laine has gone through a lot, and for that I do really feel bad for him, but Laine requires a certain team to succeed. That is not Columbus. Also, it’s time to ship Elvis out too. The guy has an attitude of an elite goaltender and he’s semi trash. With a few trades, new legit NHL coach, new GM, solid prospects coming up the pipeline, I feel like in a couple seasons, CBJ can be right back to contending.

  4. him seeming reluctant to play younger players unless pushed to, it is not really surprising. sucks to see someone get fired but him and the organization don’t seem on the same page as far as developing their talent (namely Kent Johnson and David Juricek)

  5. Jarmo just made terrible coaching hires, Waddell knows that. As a CBJ fan I hope Pascal lands on his feet somewhere, but he was not the right coach for this team. I am not discounting that this would have been a tough situation for anyone to come into, that's certainly a factor, but… Right move, had to be done.

  6. It was both cruel and deserved. It was cruel in the sense he took over as HC like a week for camp started as a 1st time HC. No time to plan, who knows how much him and Babcock planned. he wasn't able to pick his ACs. Just a tough hand to be dealt. It was deserved because some of his choices made were baffling. Like how can anyone with a hockey mind make these decisions baffling.

  7. I really don’t get this whole firing your coach when you’re a lottery team thing. It’s not the coach’s fault that you’re in a rebuild.

  8. I said this on another channel that discussed about Pascal's future with Columbus when they were looking for a new GM but Pascal was thrown into the head coaching role pretty suddenly and unexpectedly after Mike Babcock resigned. He didn't really have time to develop his coaching scheme or be able to bond with the players as head coach. I felt that whoever was made GM should've give Pascal another season, where he would actually have had time to properly develop a scheme and bond with his players and, if things were not working out and getting worse, then fire him. I do understand why he was fired after 1 season but, at the same time, I feel he was given unfair circumstances and should've had a real full season as head coach in Columbus.

  9. Vincent did not try to develop the young talent on this team,if the record is the same and there was development of the young players he keeps his job.

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