@Canadiens de Montréal

Comment les Oilers peuvent-ils prolonger la finale de la Coupe contre les Panthers ?

Qu’ont fait les Oilers lors de leur défaite contre les Panthers samedi et qu’ils peuvent reproduire mardi soir en Floride ? Est-ce que quelqu’un pense qu’Edmonton a l’avantage avant le cinquième match ? L’animateur d’OverDrive, Bryan Hayes, et l’analyste de TSN Hockey, Cheryl Pounder, se joignent à l’animateur de 7-Eleven That’s Hockey, Gino Reda, pour en discuter.


  1. TSN is so Oilers biased they give the Panthers no chance at closing out the series at home at all. TSN is ANTI American and HATES America and American teams.

  2. TSN is disrespecting the Panthers by saying they will choke a 3-0 lead and thar Edmonton figured the Panthers out after only one game. Panthers did win games 1 and 2 on home ice and will do the same in game 5 as well.

  3. The Oilers broke the mental hold that Goalie Bob and others from the Panthers had. Can they win? I believe that can, but they are going to have to bring their best!

  4. Any team would be over the moon if you told them they would be up 3-1 in the cup final. Its almost like we are disrespecting the Panthers for not sweeping, its strange. If the Oil win game 5 maybe we can begin to sort of think reverse sweep, but lets be honest lets see how game 5 goes first.

  5. Skinner has gone through his Jekyll streak already so now he'll be in Hyde mode for a few games. The other guys will take care of the rest.

  6. Florida went in for a split and got it. This result is being blown out of proportion big time. Florida didn’t show up, but are still favourites.

  7. Getting that first goal is key, you don’t want the panthers with the lead and the crowd with them obviously. Oilers need first blood. Bob is gonna be a lot better definitely, Force them to tie and keep up the pressure, try to draw penalties, force turnovers which they’ve managed to do against Florida pretty well most games, except Bobrovsky has been amazing in the first 3 games. 1 and 3 were 100% winnable for the oilers. But if panthers get a 2 goal lead oilers might be in trouble. Cats can hold and sustain a lead really well.

  8. i dont believe in Momentum game to game,
    not with extra day off, and Travel.. but one thing for sure, this 8-1 drubbing has forced Cats to go back to Drawing board.

    ..you'd have to think, just a slight bit of doubt has creeped in. we'll see how Florida responds!

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