@Canucks de Vancouver

Harman Dayal sur les candidats rapides de l’UFA pour les Canucks, Guentzel et plus

Harman Dayal de The Athletic s’est joint aux gars et a parlé de son dernier article pour The Athletic sur les candidats UFA pour les Canucks.


  1. What is speedy? Put every player in a oval race the difference is a second at most. You mean you want a player who carries the puck while skating fast like Bure. All players are fast in the NHL.😅

  2. Harman Dayal made a good point about Guentzel – as a pending UFA, the only thing the Canucks need to worry about is the money. There are no assets that the Canucks need to give up to get him (unless they want to trade a mid-round pick to the 'Canes for two weeks of exclusive negotiating rights, which was rumoured to be happening). Put him with Petey, and then have someone who is physical and mobile play on the other wing, and this line is going to be lethal!

    The issue I have with Hronek is I am not certain how much the production he and Hughes had together did he contribute towards. As great as Hughes is evolving to be, I think even an average RD can be made very, very good if not great. Luke Schenn did extremely well with Hughes for a moment and that was before Hughes' Norris season this year… In the playoffs Hughes and Hronek were pushed around and had become a lot less effective, and that's a red flag to me.

  3. Harman Dayal made a good point about Guentzel – as a pending UFA, the only thing the Canucks need to worry about is the money. There are no assets that the Canucks need to give up to get him (unless they want to trade a mid-round pick to the 'Canes for two weeks of exclusive negotiating rights, which was rumoured to be happening). Put him with Petey, and then have someone who is physical and mobile play on the other wing, and this line is going to be lethal!

    The issue I have with Hronek is I am not certain how much the production he and Hughes had together did he contribute towards. As great as Hughes is evolving to be, I think even an average RD can be made very, very good if not great. Luke Schenn did extremely well with Hughes for a moment and that was before Hughes' Norris season this year… In the playoffs Hughes and Hronek were pushed around and had become a lot less effective, and that's a red flag to me.

  4. never understood the miikayehv signing. yea he had wheels but always hands of stone. i always thought duclair would have been a better winger for the roll

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